This roleplay is currently [b]ACCEPTING[/b] [center][img][/img] [url=]Interest Check[/url] | [url=]Character Bin[/url] [i]GM: Mizuho Co-GM: TaroAndSelia[/i][/center] [hider=Mirrored Fate History][i]Legends speak of two worlds, two different planets coexisting side-by-side. The planet of Vexeria was gifted in the art of magic, many of it's inhabitants had the powerful ability to cast elemental spells, healing powers, or summoning a formidable ally. The planet of Zenith on the other hand, boasted talent in combat and weaponry. Zenithians are born with high endurance and strength, making them prime candidates for warriors. Once every century, for a span of one month, a path between the two planets were formed, allowing access to one another. Every one hundred years, the planets would line up, and the Tower of Geld, rising from Zenith reached the lands of Vexeria. Although Vexerians and Zenithians led completely different lifestyles, it seems that they were friendly with each other, exchanging information and skill in their time of limited interaction. According to legend, one day, a powerful Vexerian unleashed his wrath upon his home planet, crazed with the desire to control it. The Vexerians fought back with their own magic, but they weren't able to reach the crazed mastermind due to the ferocity of the enhanced monsters that now roamed the lands. the evil mastermind was cunning. Knowing the magical aptitude of his people, he created new breeds of monsters that were immune to magical attacks. Many Vexerians were slaughtered, and for a brief amount of time, it seemed as if the inhabitants of Vexeria would be wiped out. However, in a stroke of luck, that year happened to be the 100th year when the two planets connected, allowing the Vexerians to enlist aid from their Zenithian allies. In the short span of one month, the allies managed to keep the beasts at bay, and a group of three Zenithians and three Vexerians sealed the mastermind of the attack away in Vexeria. The six later became known as the Six Sages. Although the mastermind was gone, Vexeria remained hostile. The enhanced monsters still remained, and they continued plaguing the land with their deadly attacks. The monsters multiplied, and eventually, they became too much for even the combined power of magical and physical attacks. The monsters have evolved, rendering many attacks against them futile. The Vexerians and the Zenithians were once again in danger. In order to avoid annihilation, Zenithians welcomed their Vexerian friends to the planet of Zenith with open arms. The Vexerians immigrated to Zenith, leaving the once mighty planet of Vexeria in ruins. The Tower of Geld was sealed off as well, once against by the combined powers of the Six Sages. In order to completely avoid the powerful monsters, none of the Vexerians could return home.The path to Vexeria has been permanently closed off, and eventually forgotten. Thousands of years have passed since the Vexerians have moved to Zenith. The people barely remember the history of immigration, let alone the existence of another planet. All that remains are the whispers of a legend, echoes of a myth, and the shadow of the truth. The word Vexeria, the race of Vexerians forgotten, the occasional trace of the name have been diluted by generations, the acknowledgement of the Vexerians have faded. However, they still remain in the shape of their descendents. Mages and warriors mingle as if they were never divided. Why would they? The tales of another planet seems to be just a myth. The Vexerians faded into Zenithians, magic becoming a daily part of their life. For thousands of years the Zenithians lived in harmony. Everyday, there were skirmishes with monsters, but it was manageable. Every day, many weapons were forged, many warriors trained, many mages studied. Among the remnants of an ancient tale, a new one is about to emerge.[/i][/hider] --- It’s a beautiful day in the kingdom of Farecia. Many of it’s residents stepped out to bask in the warm sunlight, enjoying the light breeze while outside. Due to it’s large size, many people flocked to visit, and it wasn’t unusual for travelers to stop by. This day was bustling as usual, with children scampering down the alleyways, people haggling over prices in the market… There was nothing to suggest that it would be anything but a peaceful day. Many travelers ventured within the borders of Farecia, a very common occurrence. The guards welcomed everyone was an easy-going smile after a brief cursory glance at their belongings. They didn’t really pay much attention to the various people coming and going, after all the Farecian army was confident in their skill. However, there was one man that caught their attention in particular, due to a cold breeze that arrived alongside him… --- [i]Do you hear that? It’s the winds of change…[/i] Another day gone, and a new day beginning. Celosia Alesea stared at the mirror, and a tired reflection gazed back at her. [i]”It’s been three years…”[/i] She sighed to herself. It’s been three years since she’s left her home village of Lurais as a determined, grieving sixteen year old. On the day she left, she had vowed to do whatever it takes to fulfill her goal, yet where was she now? Staying at an inn, not having any idea where to go next, what to accomplish… Celosia had nothing to go on, but a name and after fruitlessly for three years, even this optimist was beginning to give up hope. Giving herself a vigorous mental shake, she dipped her hands into the water basin and splashed icy water upon her face. When she glanced back up at the mirror, this time another face appeared, one filled with burning determination. [i]”You can do it Celosia. Something will change, something will happen. Soon.[/i] After giving herself a mental pep talk, she grinned encouragingly at herself in the mirror. She was sure something would happen in her favor. Or, that’s what she told herself every day for the past three years. Stuffing her bag with her belongings and slinging her weapons into place, she checked herself out of the inn. She would leave Farecia today, and maybe head northeast towards Hornfell. She had heard of a recent rise in thefts over there, but Celosia didn’t carry anything worth much so she should be okay. She glanced up at the sun, shining high overhead. If she left now, she would arrive at Hornfell sooner, but the journey would take at least a couple of days, and she needed to prepare for the trip. Celosia wandered over to the market district, browsing the various wares on display. She would need a little bit more food, some new herbs and medicine would be handy as well, she couldn’t count on her [i]Serenade[/i] Etra all the time. While she was poking through some new clothing, she noticed something unusual. It was an unseasonably cold breeze, something akin to the chills of winter. It was strange, considering that it was in the middle of summer, and Farecia didn’t reach frigid temperatures, experiencing a mild winter at worst. With a soft gasp, Celosia straightened out, her senses on alert. Quickly making her way out of the store, she stiffened when she stepped foot outside. A familiar feeling crept over her, the exact same one that she had felt three years ago. There was no mistaking it, it was the chilling aura of Dhoulen, the man that she had been chasing after for three years. He had a very distinct presence, one that she would never forget. Celosia sprinted down the crowded streets, weaving her way through the confused people. Everyone was beginning to notice the unnatural chill. Shoving her way over to where the dreadful feeling intensified, her heart rate picked up from nerves and anticipation. Increasing her pace even more, Celosia knocked over various barrels and stands in her haste, and the normally polite girl didnt slow down to apologize, focused on one thing and one thing only. However, it would seem like she was too late once again. Dhoulen was walking away from a limp body, blood staining the ground beneath it. Citizens scattered about as they fled in a panic, presumably having witnessed the murder. Dhoulen on the other hand looked calm and tranquil, his expression not showing any evidence of the terrible deed. He neatly wiped the blood off of the bloodstained sword, not bothered by the throngs of screaming people. The royal guards were unable to reach him due to the fleeing people. Celosia hesitated for a brief moment, being knocked over by a panicking man. Picking herself up, she unsheathed her sword and leapt towards Dhoulen, swinging her sword down. He lazily looked up to see the charging Celosia. Recognizing her, he smirked and raised his own sword. The two weapons clashed ferociously. The two jumped back, tensing as they circles each other. "Well well well, you've grown up quite a bit, haven't you?" Dhoulen drawled lazily, taking in Celosia's growth. "I suppose I have you to thank for that." Celosia replied tightly, glaring daggers at Dhoulen. "Really, you've grown physically, but mentally it seems you're stuck in the same place." He taunted her, not really seeing her as a challenge at all. Dhoulen casually advanced upon her grabbing Celosia in a very tight grip, moving at a nearly imperceptible speed. She could only struggle in astonishment. While Celosia has gained proficiency over the years, the already powerful Dhoulen appeared to have gained even more power. He lifted his sword to her neck in an almost tender fashion, his onyx eyes boring into hers. "I could kill you right now... But you amuse me, I think I'll let you live a while longer." He murmured softly, his eyes glinting dangerously. Celosia hissed under her breath, but didn't dare move with the tip of a sword resting on her throat. She didn't speak, for any movement would pierce the skin. Did she come all this way to be killed this easily? Was this all she could accomplish after three years? The breeze had picked up once again, and most of the citizens have disappeared by now. [i]Do you hear that? It's the wind of change...[/i]