Amano can not help jumping slightly, casting a quick glance at the demon at the comment about he finding sleeping in the same bed distasteful. [i]'I have never said that, have? I just don't want him talking about he time with my mother. . .Perhaps that somehow translated into my not wanting him around me? I am so confused. . .I told him I don't mind him staying with me. . .'[/i] Quite despite himself he mumbles a little sullenly, “I never said I would find it distasteful. . .I am more than willing to share. . .” He bites his lip, knowing that there is no point in it after all. Since he claims it will be easier for him to stay in the servant's quarters he shrugs off whatever misunderstanding there may be and instead focuses on what Illiendi has to say next. The young lord smiles at the first part, already use to early waking from a mix of his time training with his fencing instructor, and getting out of the house before his hungover brothers would get up. It keeps at least his morning a little more pleasant, despite his father never missing a breakfast, that never ending dismissal of his presence training even the finest of breakfasts. His eldest brother would often come to breakfast as well, drinking a little less that the other two now that he has a wife to come home to every evening. Amano was a little surprised the night before not t see her at the dinner table, though she has often eaten in her room to avoid the less than respectful gazes that her now younger brothers cast her way. [i]'Father will be at breakfast. He can meet Illiendi then'[/i] His cheek flush at the prospect of a sponge bath and is ready to turn it down right then, however the demon goes on without hesitation, so Amano holds his tongue, marking it down in his head to bring up later. On the parchment he writes down that Illiendi wishes to be sent out after breakfast for supplies, then quickly jotting above it 'Have father meet Illiendi at breakfast'. [i]'Father will not talk business at the table, so it will be after breakfast that I may be able to get him on his own to speak. I pray he has not important business early tomorrow. I doubt it, having spent the night out, but there is always the chance in his line of work'[/i] Like lightning he slips a free bit of parchment to the side and writes at the top 'Plan Outline' before retuning his attention to the list being dictated by the demon. His focus is sharp, his fingers quick. Even if his writing is not beautiful, it is legible, and he looks like a professional scribe as his hand races across the parchment. [i]'Packing, digging around for what I think I'll need, can't forget to buy that scabbard. I know he'd do it, but I'd rather the one I know is hidden somewhere in this room. . .I liked it. My teacher gave it to me after winning that competition. . .Oh goody, I have to write up a speech no doubt, for addressing the town. That will be a treat'[/i] His thoughts turn sarcastic on him for a moment before he shakes his head, clearing away the touch of doubt of being able to carry out all these tasks. [i]'No I will do this. No matter what anyone else thinks, Illiendi believes that this is what I must go to become the man I wish to be, and as long as he has faith in me, I feel I can do anything. After all, I have the most unfair advantage in the world'[/i] His eyes go up to the man moving about the room, his eyes alight with the passion found only in a man set immovably on a path of his choosing. “I have no intention of letting anything stop me from turning my life into one worth living. You just tell me what needs to be done, and no matter what, I will have it done.” His voice echoes with a confidence he didn't know he had until that precise moment, but in the instant he does notice it, his head falls meekly and he stares at the parchment, doodling idly as he mutters, “Or, at least I'll do by best. . . .” Jotting down a few things on the side, mostly a few people he wants to bid a personal farewell, he once more goes over what Illiendi had dictated then with a nod sets it aside and pulls forward a clean sheet. Writing simply the word 'Speech' at the top, he sets it aside as well and pulls the plan outline into place and dipping the quill, ready to begin working out just what to tell his father to try and convince him to let him go willingly. [i]'It may not be easy, depending on how seriously he takes me. Seeing as he barely even notices my presence, I doubt it will be too difficult to acquire his blessing. After all, it's one less mouth to feed'[/i] For a moment Amano wonders what Illiendi has planned for breakfast, the thought making him smile slightly. He blinks, remembering about breakfast. Looking back up at the demon he informs him of the likeliness of his father being at breakfast. “He will not talk business at the table with me, however I should be able to get some time with him afterward. Would you like to go strait out to shopping, or would you rather be present for the talk?” A part of him prays that Illiendi will want to be there with him, the young noble feeling a lot more confident when his demon is in the room. [i]'Even if he's not there, I will get this done. I will not fail. . .'[/i]