"Just let it go." she commanded quietly, her gaze lingering on Jade for a meaningful moment before she detached herself from her arms. Ivy regarded Aphrodite with a curt nod, trying her best to not act as if all of these voyeurs had not been intruding upon an extremely private moment. She stood in front of the group and addressed them clearly and confidently. "Where I was and what I did there is none of your concern. Nothing happened. I'm fine. Don't ask me about it." Kyo stared at her, taken aback with how quickly she had reverted to her usual self. The pain in her eyes told a different story to the one that came out of her mouth, but this was no time to protest. If Ivy wanted her ordeal kept a secret, then a secret it would remain. [i]"Ivy..."[/i] came a supremely uncertain voice. [i]"You don't know me, and I'm guessing you don't care to. Which is, totally fine, by the way. Uh... Where was I? Oh. Right. Um, I know it's really hard for you, but I think you're the one person who can help us stop-[/i]" "No." interrupted Ivy in an icy tone. "Goodbye." Without waiting for any objections, Ivy walked straight towards Kyo and Carolyn. Hastening to let her through unhindered, the two stepped to the side and the group watched her leave, a confused and awkward silence settling over them. -Ivy has left scenario 31-