Jack laughed as Drake introduced him, the man had always had such a way with words. Pushing the plugs in he shooed the girls off before leaving them on the sofa and walked up to the edge of the stage. Taking a deep breath he slowed himself and then stepped out. The air was thick with the stench of gig and he loved it, it was like his drug. Sauntering up too his mic he winked at a couple of the girls in the front before pointing at Drake. [i]"Thankyou for that...heart warming...introduction Drake."[/i] Jack turned to the crowd again now and gave that wry little smile he always did before singing. [i]" Are you..."[/i] Jack paused. [i]"...fucking ready?"[/i] His last word was drowned out mostly by the crowd and as he finished the song burst out of the speakers as if his bandmates had read his mind on when to come in. The song started out quietly in fact however it built. Like water against a dam it was simply waiting to be let go. Jack started singing more high pitched now in the chorus of the song, inviting the crowd to sing along. As the chorus finished the music was released, Drake slammed out a short guitar solo before the others jumped in and Jack was singing more deeply now, much to his preference. His deep tones resonated around the room sending most of the crowd mental. People were dancing, clapping and moshing. It was carnage, exactly how Jack liked it.