Rose watched the Asian man brush past, uttering "excuse me" as he did. Her forest-green eyes followed him as he moved away from the crowd and behind a set of buildings. What the hell was he going over there for? She felt inclined to follow. Something in her gut was telling her something sketchy was going to happen. The man would probably get suspicious if he turned around to find a little cheerleader following him. She maneuvered to an empty alley way and took a deep breath. There wasn't much sunlight to work with but it was enough. She shut her eyes and reopened them. When she glanced down toward her body, she found nothing but the cement she had been stepping on. It was as if there was never a body to begin with. Just in case, she walked back into the public and gazed into a window. There was no reflection looking back at her. "Sweet." She whispered. Even after two years of playing with her power, she was still amazed by it. She ran after him and kept a careful distance behind him. Rose rounded a corner in time to hear, “You’ve been a bad boy, Viper." Well that was certainly an interesting name. There were two others with "Viper" dressed up much like the ninjas she had seen in the shows her brother had used to watch. She had no idea what they were talking about as the two of them went back and forth but she managed to get that Viper was definitely a mutant and those two were up to no good. She let her gaze fixate on the shadows, spotting the other three guys the man was talking about. It was pretty easy for Rose to see them. She could always see things better in the dark ever since her ability starting making an appearance in her life. Rosaline was out of her league here. The smart move would be to get out of here and go home. Then again, maybe leaving this guy to fight five others was not the best idea. She glanced at the Asian again and rethought that. He seemed pretty capable and kicking all of their asses. The man didn't seem discouraged at all.