[b][i][u]Mercy[/b][/i][/u] Mercy was panting heavily by the time the group finally seemed to outrun the undead creatures, well for now. She glanced at the dark haired woman as she released her, her legs were on fire but it was nothing compared to the pain snaking its way through her chest. “Thank you” She breathed with difficulty although seeing the other woman stumble she lurched forward to help her but Tony was already by her side, feeling stupidly intrusive she backed away hastily turning her head to look for Olivia pressing her palm against her chest as if the simple action would ease her discomfort. [i]Please...please not now...[/i] She silently pleaded, her quickened pulse thudded in her ears as she stood there trembling before moving over to the familiar redhead. By the time they’d reached the cornfields her legs felt like lead weights and the pain in her chest had lessened to a more bearable ache. She flinched into a defensive stance as the undead creature ran towards them but Rena was quick off the bat and had already taken a shovel to its face before the blonde could even take a step forward, she exhaled in relief as no more immediately followed it. Her mouth twisting up into a smile at Olivia’s attempt to lighten the mood, if she could have spared the oxygen she probably would have chuckled. She had to agree though she really didn’t like the idea of traversing the cornfield, why couldn’t they go round? She chewed her lip anxiously as Lloyd told them to just follow his voice, she watched Olivia take Rena’s hand and disappear between the plants already feeling uneasy about the situation. [i]Come on, you can do this...stay aware of everything...don’t think about it[/i] She slid between the tall beams twirling the arrow between her fingers until she had perfectly poised to gouge a creatures eye out should it com towards her, she was slightly ahead of Tony -she was sure that’s what he had been called- and the dark haired woman that had saved her...twice now. [i]That’s going to be a hard debt to repay[/i] She didn’t think she’d ever been so aware of her surroundings in her life as she moved through the towering corn. [i]Ok, so breathing remaining calm-SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA![/i] She was lucky she only screamed it in her head as an undead creature lurched between her and the couple (Chris and Tony) next to her, it was side on to her heading straight for them although they looked busy already. She pinged forward ducking to the left she drove her arrow straight into the creatures ear, the momentum took the pair of them to the ground straight out of the other survivors way. [i]Maybe a little easier than anticipated...[/i] Mercy got to her feet quickly retracting the arrow from the creatures head as she did grimacing as she wiped more zombie innards onto her filthy jeans. [i]...eurgh I need a bath and clean clothes this is beyond disgusting [/i] These thoughts kept her calm as she managed to keep up to the others without any further incident. Upon receiving the message about the fence she stood just to the left of the group as they ground to a halt glancing around them trying to stay aware of her surroundings, [b]"Okay long rangers up front. We need to pick some of these guys off before we venture any further into the property"[/b] She looked over at Rena who seemed to be trying to grab her attention and pulled her bow over her head, catching the dark haired woman pull her rifle from her shoulder she shifted closer to her and Tony. “I’ve got this one” She murmured, glancing down at the rifle in the woman’s hands. “Please don’t use that...” She spoke softly, she didn’t want to seem bossy but she was petrified one shot from that rifle would make the cornfield spring to life, all she could do was hope the woman heard her. She moved over to Rena, Olivia and Lloyd carefully peeking through the corn at the undead, a small sigh passing her lips. “6...I’ve only got 7 arrows left” She murmured, reaching over her shoulder to count them quickly to make sure she was correct, with an annoyed click of her tongue she slid an arrow into her bow having to shuffle away and to the left of the trio she used her foot to hold the corn aside, delicately poking her elbow out as she pulled the string taut taking aim and releasing as she exhaled the arrow soared through the air embedding in one of the creatures eye sockets. Her hand darted up to the quiver pulling another arrow followed by another, a few minutes later 4 of the six were down. Mercy was following the fifth, string taut blue eyes focused on the creatures jerking movements, however by this point her arms were about ready to give out, each shot had to be perfect and it took time and patience to hit the right spot. Sweat trickled down the side of her face as her drawing arm begun to shake, she lined the shot up and released the arrow, which flew towards the fifth creature embedding into the side of its neck uselessly, that was her penultimate arrow she'd missed the 3rd creature completely on her first shot. “Oh fuc-dging Nora” Mercy hissed in annoyance, she caught herself before swearing regardless of the situation she wasn’t about to swear in front of a 13 year old, the apocalypse could sod off if that’s what it wanted. “Come on...there’s only two left” She grumbled, pushing past Lloyd she slunk close to the fence holding her last arrow tightly between her fingers her bow poised to batter anything that jumped at her as she made her way towards the gate, ignoring the moans of the creatures on the other side. [b][i][u]Tamashii[/b][/i][/u] Tamashii was doing remarkably well at following instructions she'd become a lot less irritable once Remy had shown that he was very good tracking, as soon as he'd got the three of them on the same path as the group of survivors she had seen from the window she had become calmer in herself. Keeping Luka just slightly in front of her as she moved, she held her combat dagger tightly in her hand chocolate brown eyes constantly on the lookout for trouble as they moved, she kept up with the two men with ease refusing to allow her body to stop she had barely slept the last few days...Mercy and her hadn't been very lucky in finding places to rest the last few nights. Being the overprotective sibling Tamashii barely slept anyway, it was beginning to get to her after all she was only human. "We're definitely on the right track" Tamashii commented as they moved past the dead bodies, she jogged closer to Remy just as they reached the cornfield, her jaw tightening at the sight before them. "Why would you willingly go in there?" She muttered, her forehead creasing into a frown she did not like the idea of going in there as well they would be practically blind. "Are you kidding me?" She grumbled as Remy crouched low and crept forward into the cornfield. "Bloody idiot" She muttered under her breath, more so talking about herself as she edged forward following him once he had whistled a signal she kept Luka in her sight as best as she could, very much aware of her surroundings as she carefully picked her way through the broken stems. Survival overriding her desire to reach her lost companion, she knew flying in unannounced was a sure way to get a bullet between the eyes.