Ally walked at a leisurely pace round the side of the town square. On occasions she nipped into one of the regular side streets, easily pulling up the shadows as cover as the police walked past. There seemed to be so many on patrol today, but she guessed with the mutant activists out they had a good reason to. Usually the police didn't bother her, she had never once been caught for her activities and never even questioned, but with her plans tonight taking place so soon she couldn't help bit feel nervy upon spotting them. As she made it to the other end of the square she glanced back at the ever growing crowd of supporters momentarily drawn towards their views and ideals. It was strange how they were so willing to stand there out in the open and protest against the common view, it took courage and although half probably didn't understand the true meaning behind the act it was still nice to see people were out supporting the minorities side. She didn't risk staring to long though as she had a job to do. Her gaze returned to the little computer shop just down the street, that was newest target. Usually she did her jobs in the dead of night in the hopes of minimising the risks and optimising her abilities. But she was keen to get back online and finish her search, she felt o close to a revelation but just didn't know what. However to do so she needed the WiFi at the local café and that didn't stay open all hours and she couldn't risk holding onto stolen goods for to long. As an uproar rose from the crowd she diverted her attention back to the square, watching with a mix of surprise and horror as the stage lifted from the ground. She stood there frozen, for a moment contemplating whether to rush over - keen to find the person behind it - but at the same time it gave her the perfect distraction to finally grab the laptop. She was torn between her heart and her head, but eventually her head won out and she ducked into the shop hearing the small chime of the welcome bell and already silently cursing at the fact. Nothing could ever be easy for her...