Tony saw the red head cause the stage to float and shook her head, that was simply a foolish display of power. She stood up and spotted Kevin as he passed by the bar, towards the darker part of town. Tony didn't know why but he looked as if he was sneaking, she quickly and fluidly made her exit from the establishment. As she exited the bar she grabbed a brown bottle of booze, she wasn't going to drink it she didn't drink. Tony stepped onto the hard cold black street, her demeanor changed a slouching stature she stumbled a bit staggering forward. To anyone who may have seen her she would appear highly intoxicated. She staggered to the corner of the building and leaned heavily on it, the brown bottle clasped with in her left hand. Tony made for the alley, she wasn't aware of the young teenagers presence. However she heard the exchange of words between the men, from what she could gather it was a group of five to six combatants. She stumbled into the group and looked at the man in the ninja outfit, it was a attire she hadn't seen sense her days as a youngling in the monastery in which she was raised. She gave a goofy smile her short snow white hair stopping above her ears, she stood there and looked at the group of men and wobbled as she did so. She addressed the apparent leader of the group of ninja suit clad men, "You seem to be causing a disturbance, you should leave now or else someone might get hurt." She purposely slurred her words and stumbled a bit over her own feet, but it appeared 100% authentic. Tony had gripped the bottle with her left hand by the neck, near the opening on the bottle. She looked at them and hoped they would leave peacefully, she said nothing other then that and continued her occasional stagger and wobble. She was formulating a plot in her head, and knew the style she would use if she needed to take the group down.