As Elena lowered the cup from her lips her eyes finally caught the man move quickly away from the shop and into the crowd. It startled her, but she thought nothing of it. She was thinking just waiting for Julian by her bike, but then the sky opened up upon them and began to release all of its sorrows upon them. The water droplets hit her making her sigh, Elena felt herself become rejuvenated and alert now. Her senses were heightened, she was energized, this was her element and she loved it. All of a sudden she felt like taking a run, and was about to do so when a loud sound echoed in her ears and the crowd’s noise reached a painful level for her. With her senses heightened she removed her glasses and was able to see the stage clearly begin to rise out of the ground and into the sky. The red headed guy was doing it. “Fucking serious?” A protest is one thing but a mutant demonstration would quickly get law enforcement attention. It wouldn’t be long before they all got the idea to use their abilities. Julian. She spotted him in the crowd; he and his friends were talking as if they were forming a plan. She sighed and slipped her water bottle into her bag and started the walk towards the crowd. She thought it would be easy to navigate towards him, but in the intensity of everyone there was a lot of movement going on, people not listening to her pleas to let her move on her way, and she was soon knocked forwards, backwards completely involuntary. Julian was no longer in sight, and she found herself pushed all the way to the other side of the protest and throw out onto the wet concrete.