[center]♥♦♣♠ — At the Gates — ♠♣♦♥[/center] It didn't take too long, after being accosted by Thael's brother, to scarf down the remainder of his ice cream. Internally screaming at the brain freeze that followed, he'd found a spot near the back of the group, preferring not to be associated with what was currently going on. His eyes traveled to Emily, Olivia, and the baby, immediately happy with his decision to remain in the shadows of a large oak. His eyes wandered through the group gathered there, a deep frown on his face. This was intentionally the calm before the storm, but it was riddled with so many desperate emotions that threatened to cave in on everyone. Roy didn't exactly have family to comfort him during these times; the fact that he had no idea whether or not his parents were even alive didn't help much either. There was no call and no visits, which didn't seem to affect Roy on the surface, but stung every time he looked at Kim or Emily or Thael. His sister was dead and his mother and father were probably worse off. If these people were anybody else, he'd not care, much less he'd probably relish in the fact that this was scaring them out of their wits. The situation, though, was the exact opposite and Roy found himself anxious, as well—frightened even. What he'd said to Thael was true and even without being faced with the responsibility of leading a team, Roy was probably feeling as anxious about this as Olivia currently was. Whether or not anyone in their motley crew was ready didn't matter; that made him more anxious, but it also came with a sense of excitement. They'd essentially been cooped up in the Academy for so long and this was their opportunity to see the world and make a difference. For Roy it was more so a way to fuel his need for adrenaline than to help people, though he'd more than be dragged along should someone have a morality issue in regards to a random old lady in the middle of who knows where asking a group of trained military spec ops to get her cat from a building infested with Xenos. A smile graced Roy's features at the thought of it, looking at Thael and Freddy in particular. If anyone stopped the group's advances just to help an old lady and her cat it'd most likely be those two. That's when he'd noticed they were leaving and Roy pushed forward to follow. The anxiety he'd been feeling still followed, but he made a good effort to suppress it enough to calm the jitteriness about to surface. [center]♥♦♣♠ — Departure — ♠♣♦♥[/center] There were too many Sawyers in the world to be agitated by a particularly loud one. Almost everything said went through one ear and out the other. Even at attention, Roy's blank expression and stare into the distance was enough evidence that he was too far in his own head to pay attention to the insults and degrading comments Sawyer shot at the group. Whether someone cared or not, they were soldiers and they had a job to do. An asshole spouting insults or someone sugar coating the entire mission wouldn't change that. Upon leaving with the group, he grumbled quietly a slew of insults only Thael would hear, as he'd forcibly pushed himself against the big lug as they walked. The entire walk there was sluggish, at best, and Roy's incessant need to get from point A to B as quick as possible led him to the forefront of the group. He unknowingly designated himself the scout and stopped only to let the others catch up. An irritated Roy was impatient and crabby, but worry about the mission kept himself from nagging at the rest of the group. He was upset himself, but he didn't quite feel a big enough ass to take it out on the others. But Olivia's call for five and need to complain grated Roy enough to grumble over toward the shade of a tree and pout to himself. "You know, it'd be nice to get to Doral before sundown," he complained, "Before we all get overrun by Xenos with no way to see our hands in front of our faces." He quietly watched from his seat as everyone conversed, talking about mindless things or urging Olivia to continue on. All he could do, or actually wanted to do, was shove his face in his hands and groan the rest of their small break. Mags was all too right: they were sitting ducks. But, Roy hadn't the nerve to demand they continue moving, as Olivia seemed adamant in spite of everyone's insistence. He'd just be preaching to the choir, or rather attempting to move the immovable. There was really no need to push Olivia further than she needed, as it was obvious this whole captain business was a bit of a daunting task. Asshole or not, Roy knew where the boundaries were when it came to his friends. Guess he'd just have to be content with staring pointedly at everyone. [center]♥♦♣♠ — The Battle — ♠♣♦♥[/center] The moment the raptors came within earshot, Roy knew what was about to occur; this would be their first battle since leaving and it hadn't even been that long. Adrenaline pumping through his body, he'd taken notice to Olivia's immediate actions—Remi had heard them long before they all had. Roy jumped from his sitting position, falling back into what looked to be a gaping abyss and plopping down behind Olivia as soon as she gave her orders. He was itching to get in, but he'd listen to her instructions only because they made perfect sense. She was their captain now, after all. It wasn't fear that drove him, as Roy had felt that at the pattering of a dozen tiny feet and it immediately vanished in a surge of adrenaline. Roy, even scared out of his wits, lived for moments like this. Senseless violence wasn't exactly what he craved, but the danger it brought was enough to plaster a ready smirk on his face. He'd not noticed his movements then, the spirits around him converging into the earth beneath his feet as they swarmed around him. He placed himself near Kat the moment Olivia ordered it, unsheathing his rapier and looking her right straight in the eyes. "I got your back, Kitty Kat," he said, impatiently slicing the ground, "you just do what you gotta do." The ground visibly grumbled around the two bodies, Roy almost pressed firmly against Kat's side. Olivia ordered him to guard her and by damn would she get the best meatshield outta him than anyone else. He was prepped and ready to go, waiting on those assigned front line duties to get into action. The moment Kat would reveal her spirits would be the moment the raptors would spring into action, eyes set on the literal glass cannon in the back and he'd be ready with his imps to stop 'em in their tracks to give Kat a big enough opening for one big swathe of ice. The thought sent waves of energy through Roy's body and he skipped in place, looking more than ready for the action heading their way. If he was actually ready or just stupid was up for debate. "Let's go, let's go," he cried. The imps around him were as itching to go as he was, the spirits crumbling the earth around him, throwing dust and rocks into the air in anticipation.