Name: Hershel 'Loki' Greene Age: 17 Creature: Enhanced Human with powers to teleport short distances, and turn invisible Description: Long black hair with two strands at the front left and right of his face, his facial features were meant to be perfect, as he was supposed to be a perfect human being. But his complexion isn't perfect, he has some freckles. His eyes are a dark violent shade of blue, and his casual clothes are a vertical striped shirt with a red tie, the shirt untucked and some jeans. Quote: "You can't touch her." about Naieves. Characteristics: Hershel used to be a quiet socially awkward male who was created in a laboratory. Hershel has since then broken out of his shell and found the love of his life Naieves, who he will protect over anything. Bleeding out on the ground, he would do anything he could to try and protect her. Hershel is now an outgoing 17 year old male who is just... Living. Relationship: Naieves :D Are you living/planning to live with someone?: Naieves, Hershel and them are practically soul-mates <3 Where will/do you work?: Hershel is currently working at the school as a security guard, he knows the school in and out, and with his power of invisibility he will protect the school.