C.B: "Well your phones need a little more work, but it is possible you can get one later today. Well yes I would say so, the first time round we went from basic monsters to more advance monster within a few weeks but I don't think we will be seeing any basic monsters. In fact there was one who would reflect physical damage and send it right back but with double the force. They only managed to beat it using there long ranged weapons and all of them hitting the creature in the same spot. Believe me stronger monsters will appear, some will be more personal and will try to exploit your weaknesses, being in a team should help you over come that. In fact there was a point where we thought we lost the DF5 but we soon managed to get them back. They were legally dead for five minutes but somehow there brain cells did not die off, we are still research why that is." She paused for a moment. C.B: "Well I am afraid you are going to have to work with him, who knows he may actually save you one day, remember I said maybe. I know he I stoned but I hope to turn him around at some point, the DF5 need to be alert not baked, they need to be smart not out of their mind and so on. Also you have quite the imagination on you, but looking a your face I can see it is something you would do. Just like the stoner I hope to turn you into a team player, it won't be easy but I won't give up on you. I mean I have done it before with the last batch of the DF5. Anything else? That goes for you in the back as well."