[center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Coat_of_arms_of_the_Empire_of_Brazil.svg/640px-Coat_of_arms_of_the_Empire_of_Brazil.svg.png[/img] ImpĂ©rio do Brasil (Empire of Brazil) [i]IndependĂȘncia ou Morte![/i][/center] The war has finally come to the New World once more and this time, it's going to get bloody. I pray that God is with everyone that is in the war and hope that he has mercy on them all. I hope that this war ends quickly and that peace talks can be held in our home. [b] I wish that war can be stop on the day, that Jesus Christ was born on, between the United States of America, her allies, and Confederate States of America, her allies[/b]. As for Russia, I believe that they aren't going to 'enslave' Mexico or Brazil. They aren't dumb enough to attack Mexico and not be punished for it by the European powers. [i]~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil[/i].