[center][b]Amazonia Imperiia[/b][/center] ---- Though the trip was brief, Count Richelieu used the time spent on the road and sea to examine his companions. For a mission that seemed to hinge on Diplomacy, they didn't look very peaceful but rather soldiers on a conquest. The goblin in the group seemed to have the social finesse of a nailed board and the other two men looked like military officers. Richelieu had gladly received this assignment because he had been under the presumption that he was sent to help create peace between nations, not to kick off a war. And then there was the Queen herself. Richelieu could not lie; she was a wondrous sight to behold. He secretly wished however that Kouri was sent instead however. Though Alexandria was known for her ferocity and loyalty, he personally preferred the regalia and nobility of Kouri. He also thought it was rather odd for a diplomatic mission to be heavily armed. As for Richelieu himself, he stuck out in the party like a sore thumb. He had not a single weapon on his being and in favor of armor; he wore simple robes that designated his spot as nobility. Even without the robes it was clear as day that Richelieu was wealthy due to his smooth features and elegant mannerisms. When they finally arrived at the meeting place, Richelieu carefully listened to the Queen’s words. As she left to the meeting table, he bowed politely to the rest of the party and gave them a warm smile. “I believe it would be best if I conducted my search with the Queen. While I believe that she can more than adequately handle herself, my talents are not suited for violence and I can make sure of her safety. If someone wishes to accompany me, I will not object though it would be wise to not misconstrue my words for submission. I fully intend for this to be a peace conference, not one to incite war.” He said as he passed a brief glance to their weapons. With those words he strode away from the group without a backwards glance towards the wooden table that Queen Alexandria stood by. As he reached the table, he bowed deeply to the Amazonian Queen before drawing himself a chair to sit at the crude table. Though he looked very out of place among his surroundings and peers with his soft features, he had every resemblance of being totally at ease among the nobility. “I am quite fortunate.” Count Richelieu calmly proclaimed at the table, breaking the silence amidst the group promptly. “I am quite fortunate indeed,” he repeated without the semblance of sarcasm or explanation evident on his lips. “It is not every day that I am blessed with such good company, and such precious moments such as these are not to be taken for granted.” Pursing his lips gently, the Count looked lost in his own thoughts for a moment until realization flooded his eyes at once. Chuckling lightly to himself, he steepled his fingers on top of the table and locked eyes with the Queen of the Amazons. “How terribly impolite of me it is for me to not introduce myself properly. I am Count Richelieu, and it is my pleasure to finally meet the Queen of the Amazons, along with her beautiful daughter.”