Name: Ryen Arleth Age: 19 Gender: Female Occupation: Cargo Ship Mechanic Alignment: Neutral Good [img][/img] Bios: Selections from the Memory Log of [hider=Title of Recording: Why do I do this?] [i]”My father once asked me the point behind creating memory logs because I never forget things. I had to think of this for a while. I guess because I’m hoping that one day these logs will be important to someone. You see, when I die the chip in my brain will no longer receive electrical energy from my body and self-destruct. My father did this so that no one could remove the chip out of my brain- it being one of a kind. But what that means is that when I die, all my knowledge will forever be lost. Just like a normal being of flesh. The memory logs ensure that some part of me goes on long after the rest of me ceases to exist. I find it comforting.”[/i][/hider] [hider=Title of Recording: Memory Chip ] [i]”Everyone’s body uses electricity, the created current between anions and cations, more specifically the flow of electrons due to the different potentials in the cells. It tells out heart to beat, and our muscles to move. It’s this energy that powers the memory chip in my brain. Some scientist claim the reason we forget things is because our brain loses the ability to find the information. It’s like forgetting where you put a tool in a shed. The tool is still there, you just have to remember where to locate it. The chip my father installed in my brain helps it to better organize my thoughts, allowing me to easily retrieve any memory. The physical price is a slightly higher metabolism. This psychological price is… different.”[/i] [/hider] [hider=Title of Recording: Home World] [i]”While I wasn’t born on Syrae ( or FDRY776 as it’s known to the Federation) it’s the only place I can remember living. We were six when I arrived, shortly after my memory chip was installed. It’s a cold planet, the surface being completely covered in ice all year round. There are few native species, none of them with sentient capabilities. It was first colonized by a group of scientists over 900 years ago. Others eventually came seeking freedom from the Federation’s rule or a safe haven on a planet where people don’t dig up the past. The scattered cities are built on geothermal vents and derive their power from the planet’s superhot core. It’s a hodgepodge of technology and cultures. Traders come by often, swapping out dated Federation Technology for ore and high quality gems found under Syrae’s ice-capped peaks. I miss my home.[/i] [img]”[/img][/hider] [hider=Title of Recording: Why I left] [i]”My father is dead. No. What I mean to say is my father was murdered. I'm not sure why... or at least if I am I'm afraid to record the reason down here. I know what those people wanted... but they'll never get it. That's why I have to leave Syrae. ”[/i][/hider]