Alexandre tousled about restlessly in his sleep, tossing and turning as though he were being attacked by a phantom foe. Suddenly, without warning, he awoke with a start; shooting up to a sitting position and immediately regretting it as a dull ache began to spread from his spine across his appendages. This floor was obviously not made for comfort whilst sleeping, and the pile of straw was little better in providing any bedding. Alexandre rubbed at his temple, trying to will away the feeling of tiredness that still clung onto him. He tried to recollect what he had been dreaming about. Something horrible enough to prematurely wake him, but his wits were in a muddle as he tried to recall all of his faculties. Then he remembered, suddenly, as if a bucket of cold water was upturned on his head. It was about home...about Alice.... [i]Many years ago....... Wonderland, a haven for the outlandish and the strange: where everything was topsy-turvy and downside-up. The colors of the land were vibrant and bright, with little to no darks or grays present anywhere. The roads were colored a garish yellow, the skies a bright celeste color, and the overgrown fungi that populated the land being colored varying shades of orange and red, riddled with white polka dots. Off in a clearing leftways from Whatswhere was an especially tall mushroom, refurbished into a small, modest, yet comfortable-looking home. A quaint wooden door marked the entrance at the base of the stem where two windows occupied either side. A single window was placed at the cap, along with a small stone chimney, dutifully puffing out smoke. A small pond sat at one end of the clearing, populated by lily pads and an array of Wonderland's fauna that enjoyed the more wet, soggy conditions that life at court never seemed to appeal to. The inside of the mushroom looked decent enough, the main room functioning as a sitting room, kitchen, and dining room all jumbled into one. A tiny hearth provided a refulgent glow to the otherwise dim lighting. A wooden table, large enough for two was placed in the center of the room, a single candle at the center. In the corner was a single bed with a splintered frame, the matting made of straw. A winding staircase lined the inner wall of the mushroom, leading up to another closed door where the stem met the cap; most likely another bedroom. At the modest dining table sat Alexandre (it was the only name he could remember), at this time no older than six-and-twenty. He was no highborn man, by any standard but attempted to look as regaled as he dare for his birth and income, wearing a black corduroy frock coat that obviously looked worn with gray pinstripe trousers, an olive green tweed waistcoat with a worn white-and-brown cravat, and a pair of dusty leather shoes. He had a single hand cupped around his slightly scruffy chin, blue eyes closed as he lost himself in thought. It was quite obvious something was on his mind. He was interrupted, however, by the creaking of the hinges from the door upstairs, preceding light, slightly hurried footsteps coming down the steps. A young girl appeared at the bottom, wearing a simple dress and apron fit for a milkmaid or washerwoman. But her dog-eared clothing did little to mask her beauty. A young lass of fourteen, it was quite apparent that her beauty would only increase in scale as she got older. Her hair, which naturally curled at the base was colored a chestnut brown color, offsetting her rather pale skin. Her eyes were colored grey as a winter sky and a warm look was quite apparent as her thin lips curled into a smile. "You've been quiet." The young girl commented as she strolled over to where Alexandre sat, seating herself in the vacant chair near him. "Usually I hear you rehearsing your act from upstairs." She added, though not unkindly. "Cat got your tongue?" She asked playfully, a sportive gleam in her eyes as she spoke. "No, no..." Alexandre responded, seemingly only half-paying attention. "Just thinking up ideas for tonight's show." He added, cocking his head sideways to look at her. "I need to add something...exciting to tonight's act. I need all the money I can get; especially if I want to get the White Rabbit off our back with this month's taxes." He said, sounding tired and weary, but still warm enough. "You'll do fine, trust me." The girl reassured genuinely, placing one small, smooth hand atop his. "You're the best illusionist in Wonderland. Before you know it, you'll be performing your show in front of the Queen!" Though every inhabitant either hated or feared the Queen of Hearts, her name held great sway throughout the land, and being called to an audience and surviving the encounter was a great feat for any mummer or magician. "Oh, the Queen, eh? That'll be the day." Alexandre replied coyly with a small chuckle, playing along with the girl's game. "You do enjoy your fantasies, Alice." He started, rising from his seat. "Even in a place such as Wonderland you manage to keep your head in the clouds." He added with a smirk. "I consider it a talent." Alice replied, without skipping a beat. "Besides, how else would you get ideas for your show?" She added-on with a wink. "Ok, ok, fair enough." Alexandre held his hands up in defeat, giving up. "Now then, I need to head to market to pick up a few things for dinner tonight before the show. Hopefully I won't run into Rabbit..." He said, his voice becoming less cheery. The White Rabbit was decent enough, for a rabbit. Unless you owed him a debt. Though physically unimposing, the Rabbit was persistent and minding, always hounding on citizens to pay their taxes on time. He spoke with the Queen's authority, and anyone who was found harassing, attacking, or otherwise bullying the Rabbit was taken swiftly and beheaded. "Don't be gone long!" Alice said as Alexandre headed towards the front door. "I can help you rehearse your act once you get back home!" Alexandre offered only a small smile in return before leaving the large mushroom. Once outside and away from prying eyes, Alexandre reached into the confines of his coat, pulling out a clear, corked bottle filled a quarter-way with a teal colored liquid. Around the cork at the neck of the bottle was a small label with "Drink Me" written in small, tight cursive. Alexandre plucked the cork from the opening and took a swig from the bottle, his face pinched as the liquid seemed to pop and fizzle in the back of his throat. He inconspicuously plugged the cork back on the bottle and hid it once again in his coat before leaving.[/i] -- Alexandre shook his head hurriedly, as if to clear the dream. But it was more than a dream: it was a flashback, a recollection. As if he was witnessing fragments of his own life playing out in front of him. Though he had never particularly loved Wonderland, it was still his home, and he was at relative peace there...with Alice. He could do no more now than think on his past and current actions. The inconsistent [i]drip[/i] of water leaking onto the stone floor was both an annoyance and a comfort. He closed his eyes, and waited for nothing.