[img=http://s6.postimg.org/53msxa9hd/Scott_Adkins_27.jpg] [b]Surname:[/b] Anderson [b]First Name:[/b] Robert Joe [b]Nickname:[/b] Ace [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Broker, Liberty City [b]Affiliations:[/b] None [b]Criminal Record:[/b][list] [*]1997: Reckless Driving[/*] [*]2001: Battery[/*] [*]2008: Bank Robbery[/*] [/list] [b]Notes:[/b][list] [*]Acomplished street racer. Respected and admired within the street racing community.[/*] [*]Joined at the age of 19 to avenge the death of his older brother, also a street racer, who died during a race because his brake lines where cut and he couldn't stop the car anymore.[/*] [*]Every street racing community in every city has it's street king, the best street racer in the city. Robert has been street king in Liberty City for 11 years now after defeating the previous owner of that title and finally having his revenge on the person that sabotaged his brother's car. Although in prison Robert still owns this title because no one can challenge him for it.[/*] [*]Well known for his desire for independence. Robert is the only "street king" in history that never formed a crew to support him.[/*] [*]After his arrest last year all of his cars where impounded, except for the one that matters the most to him, which his best friend, [url=http://s6.postimg.org/lz6woa8ld/J_Cole.jpg]Wesley[/url], a street racer as well, hid in a container at the docks.[/*] [*]Owns a [url=http://i48.servimg.com/u/f48/11/68/70/61/ccrp-110.jpg]car shop[/url], which is now in Wesley's care.[/*] [*]In for 10 years.[/*] [/list]