As the young man scribbled what was dictated to him the monster set himself about the room, the drapes were drawn the bed turned down and the other small jobs necessary for the end of the evening were accomplished. Thereafter Illiendi helped himself to the boys closet and began regarding the outfits that lay within, many were viewed only to be slid aside and another to be looked at. Finally he settled on a dark mahogany suit jacket, cream linen shirt with a dark wine hued cravat, dark brown breeches to match the suit jacket were chosen and cream stockings to match the shirt, lastly he found a waistcoat that was as close in colour as could be to the jacket and breeches and hung all up on a hanger which he then hung on the closed closet door. When the other made comment about his willingness to share the bed there was no reply, a decision had been made and while they stayed under this roof at least it would be easier to dispel the notion that Amano only liked men if he did not keep his man servant in his quarters at all times. Amano would not want to see what he did to each of the brothers, or what he might do again with his mother should the woman deign it so. With notations being made about all else they spoke of he brushed off hair and dust from the suit before taking a pair of Amano's shoes to his knee and using a handkerchief buffing them of the dirt that had gathered. When finally talk turned to the father Illiendi glanced up, placing one shoe, now polished without the need for polish to the side. "I shall be there if that is what my master desires. What do you plan to tell him?"