The door continuously opened and was repeatedly slammed shut as Indy fought against Tiana's untiring assault. He looked at the unnamed man again who scurried away to collect his children. He moved them to the edge of the stairwell and grasped his wife's arm. “She's already gone,” was the only thing he said. The woman cried in anguish again. Despite her attempts to pull Indy away from the door she eventually gave up and was lead away by her husband. Indy guessed that whatever had happened to Tiana had happened to other people and the family had seen it happen. 'Gone'? Indy wondered what the man meant. Gone insane? That seemed apparent. He wasn't going to stand there and ponder the situation however. He needed to do something. He couldn't just run in there and attack Tiana, he figured, that would practically be murder. If he knew then what Tiana had turned in to he wouldn't have hesitated. He wished he hadn't broken the door. It was then that Indy noticed the rest of the corridor had emerged to see what was happening. The shaking walls from the force of the breach had probably gotten them more than a bit frustrated and confused. At that time they knew as little about what was going on as Indy and Freyr. Freyr herself had appeared at his side with a metal vase in her hand. The whole scene probably looked very strange to the onlookers. “Something's very wrong,” said Indy unnecessarily. “Go back inside,” he called out to the spectators. Some of them were more than a bit startled and immediately fled into their apartments. Others were either more sceptical or were simply being awkward. They hung around in the corridor. “Turn on your TVs, look out your window, something's wrong with Atlanta,” had been the last thing he had said at that moment. He didn't know what they'd see out of the window or on the TV but he assumed they'd see something. The pugnacious onlookers had stolen Indy's concentration and in his momentarily lapse of attention Tiana had wrenched the door open. Indy grabbed Freyr by the arm and moved her behind him. What was once Tiana, now a bloody mess of torn clothes and pallid flesh, stumbled lethargically towards the stubborn residents who were now paralysed with indecision.