Aurora [b]-[/b] It was graduation day, the last day of school. The very last day... Aurora woke up before her roommate, in her coat that she wore two years ago. Her coat was trademark, made of fine wolf fur and fine leather. She sat upon her bed, staring up to the ceiling. What exactly was she going to do...? Leave the town? Wait, was that even possible?! Just thinking about the future was hard, maybe the girl could live with a friend or just live back in the same town she used to live in.. "My God, I don't know what to do!" she exclaimed indignantly, not really caring if her roommate woke up because of her. '[i]I'll pack up later, but first, let me take a selfie.[/i]' the black haired-girl raised up her phone and took a quick selfie. '[i]Ew... gross.[/i]' and with that, she left to explore the town maybe encountering her former schoolmates in the process. Kotani [b]-[/b] "What to do... what to do...?" the strawberry blonde haired-girl sat on her bed. No one slept in the same room with her and that was good. She was normally alone but now in this generation, she would be seen with her albino friend most of the time. Kotani sighed heavily, looking out of her room's window. It was the last day of school, so the best thing to do is not to give a shit about anything. Hastily, she opened up her window and yelled out, "I'm leaving, biiitches!" it was quite enthusiastic for a dead girl like her. Maybe in her current 'lifetime', she would be able just to put on a creepy act. Yeah. Maybe... Kotani left her dorm and waited patiently in the hall for her friend. She hummed the tune of, 'tiptoe through the tulips' and begun to giggle softly.