((ALLONS-Y!)) Denmark click-clacked along the pavement in black boots, gently curling brown hair being played with by the wind. The meeting was being hosted here, in her very own city of Copenhagen. She had kept herself peaceful through these troubled times, much unlike other nations who had done otherwise. But she was beginning to feel the push to take a side. Oh, she didn't know what to do... She definitely needed to chat with her Scandinavian, 'brothers,' and had to find out what Germany's stance was during all of this. She was close to the formers and the latter was her only border-sharing neighbour. Hoping dearly that the more aggressive countries would restrain themselves in her capital (unlike during their last meeting, where things had gotten out of hand and a window had been smashed), she opened the door to the hall specifically reserved for such times. Breathing in the musty air rich in history, she pulled out a chair at the head of the rectangular table and waited by it. "Nibbles, I forgot nibbles," she muttered, shaking her head and turning about. Nibbles were important. They distracted from aggression and the dissection of threats. She had to have some, somewhere! Hurriedly, the woman turned to the ancient wood cabinets arranged along the walls and crouched down to start going through them. She must have some pretzels, at the very least!