Usually, Iceland wasn't so great with the 'arriving on time' thing. He wasn't the type of person to walk in late with Starbucks, oh no. It was just his schedule was so jam-packed that nothing ever went perfectly and by afternoon, he was running into the door several minutes after the event was supposed to start. While this tended to irritate other people who made time for mistakes and such, Iceland was more than pleased with this. Sure he was late constantly but it meant that from morning till night, he was always doing sometime. He had no idea how some citizens of other countries just sat around, doing nothing. He couldn't stand any of that! He wanted to be doing something always unless he was sleeping. But, these meetings were something special. Walking in the door late meant you could miss something vital or even end up in the middle of a fight between some of the larger nations. Very quickly on, Iceland had learnt the best thing to do was arrive early and make as much time as he could for the meetings. You had to clear the entire day since it could run late into the night, or stop not that long after it started. It all depended on how the Superpowers were feeling on that day. This was one of the days he wasn't feeling so good about the meeting. Tensions were high and on the rise and he was starting to get the feeling he should take cover and get out of the way. Wars were getting harder and harder to avoid but he wanted to make sure he would still be there when the ashes all settled down. Iceland unzipped his wool sweater, having deciding the black and white coverup and a pair of tight black pants the best thing for the meeting. He was almost right on time but in terms of the meeting, people would probably just start to trickle in. He stepped up to the large, historic building and pushed it open, making his way quietly to the hall. It wasn't his first meeting in Denmark and although it had been some time since they had met in Copenhagen, he still remembered the large table with Denmark proudly sitting at the head. It had been one of his first world meetings and he had felt so proud sitting there, wide-eyed among some of the great nations. "Denmark?" He called out, adjusting the backpack on his back slightly so it did not hurt his shoulder so much. He had walked from the airport to the hall with his bag and the strap had started to dig into his shoulder. He was going to have to replace the padding there so it did not bite so much. But he couldn't just leave his backpack behind. Where would he be without his own, clearly better food to eat? He had nothing against Denmark, it was just Skyr was good any time and place and Icelandic chocolate couldn't be beat. Either way, it didn't look like anyone else had arrived yet. It couldn't be… Was he actually the first one to arrive? That never happened, even when he made a conscious effort to get there on time.