[b] Rob-Haywood-Daniel,Katie,Emma,Etc[/b] Rob tried to focus as the bullets when flying by him, people he knew were being killed...on both ends. Rob felt empty as he killed someone that he had known..talked to. Rob looked towards his colleagues for second before starting to fire again. Rob watched the grenade bob around, and who he was pretty sure was Robert run away as it exploded. As beautiful explosion as it was, he didn't realize that trucks exploded like that. "Huh" Rob shrugged as he started to reload. A bullet whizzed by him as he looked up. "ugh..." Suddenly a truck smashed through the gate of Haywood. "Oh come on" Rob grunted as he started to run to find cover deeper into Haywood, he knew that the opposition would start flooding in. Not to mention the undead slowly coming in. And sure as he thought, they starting coming in. Rob sighed, "Come on" Rob stood up and started to shoot, "Where are yo-" Rob staggered backwards, almost tripping on a rock. "ah..." Rob looked down and put his hand on his stomach. He felt a sharp pain which made him cringe. He looked at his hand, which was covered in blood. [i] I've been shot....Aw [/i] Rob started to stumble in a random direction. [i] Where was the?...what was it called again, the place...I need to go too...[/i] Rob collapsed against a wall of one of the buildings. Rob was angry at himself...There was a good chance he was going to die, probably not even a quick death. As Rob looked around, He noticed that many of the men on Roberts side were now dead. "Huh...We're winning" Rob turned around to see Robert burst into a apartment. "Where.....are.....you....going?" Rob started to stumble and crawl. Visions of his family before the outbreak went through his head as he slowly went towards the direction Robert ran towards. He was not going to die...He promised himself he would find his brother...He was not going to die now. He was not going to die now. He was not going to die now. He was not going to die now.He was not going to die now. He was not going to die now.He was not going to die now. He was not going to die now! He heard a bang...and after a while another bang. And just as Rob used most of his strength he came into view. What he saw was strange. The corpses of Henry,Eric and Robert. And Daniel, Emma and Audrey. "Well...I guess I can be called Robert now-*cough*" Rob leaned against a wall. Rob turned around and saw Katie. But something was wrong, very wrong. And when Rob realized what it was, His eyes widened..."KATIE!" [b] Matt-Outpost-Myriah [/b] Matt had a small temptation to shove a gun right into her face, but of course he didn't. He [b] of course [/b] followed her. And he listened as she told him what she thought. [i] She doesn't understand, they all don't. None of them understand, they don't understand at all! I can't believe all of you fools. You keep going on and on and on, but none of you understand. YOU'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND...But of course they don't understand, They're not me. Maybe it's sad that I want the power, but they're too stupid to do anything...But first [/b] "Heh..I know a bit of German, Spanish, French..My family liked for me to know a lot" Matt Grinned