Name: Avien Preston Age: 19 Owner: Before: Master Charles, Now: ???? Family: He isn't quite sure who remains, he isn't allowed to as punishment. Personality: Avien is rebellious by nature, unable to wrap his head around the idea of parasitic blood suckers ruling the world. Hearing of the global devastation that came as a result of the vampires waging war against the world made Avien an even more reluctant slave for the blood suckers despite being born in captivity. - Born in Captivity Background (Before captivity): Avien was born in captivity as a means for his old master to reproduce slaves to feed upon and thus introduced female slaves to the once all male population of humans in his basement. This not only bred new slaves and more mouths to feed but it also increased work productivity by 200% due to males overworking themselves in order to take over the shifts of the females who weren't meant to work. Many humans, male and female, attempted to hide the spawn from their master in order to produce strong heirs that weren't mentally conditioned to be slaves in order to lead a revolt and free them later. Their master displayed little care in the newborns that were screaming in his basement and pretended to not notice as the children's cries were muffled soon after. Believing it to be a weapon to be used against their master the wisest slaves educated their young by teaching them how to read, write and the history of the world before and after the vampires. Avien grew up to be strong and resentful towards vampires much to his master's joy. His old master enjoyed Avien's company and thought of him as a jester of sort due to how unorthodox his behavior was. While many vampire masters don't tolerate Avien's behavior, Master Charles had a good sense of humor and viewed Avien as entertainment for his guests. Master Charles has recently been forced to sell Avien due to his new mistress appearing to have some disconcerting interest in Avien due to her constant threats of "Draining him dry". Appearance: [hider= Avien][img][/img][/hider]