Marcos listened to the captain as she spoke, finding the hint of criticism in her tone in the right place. The more he thought about it, the more he figured that it was a bit odd. He just escaped from being someone's work dog, and now he pretty much wants to be another person's work dog. Not that Marcos much cared for that. Criticism was a tone familiar to him. It didn't bother him all that much. He quickly learned to shut up and obey orders. Put simply, Marcos didn't care if the captain treated him with disrespect. If she thought ill of him, so be it. If not, great. Didn't change the fact that he was indebted to her and her crew, especially the fellow who helped him up. That's why it made him happy to hear that he was allowed aboard. "Thank you, Captain Runali. My name is Marcos Abeille." His first orders were going to be difficult. To make himself at home aboard the Coral Pearl. He didn't know what a home felt like. He never had a home. He'd been a slave for all of his life, up until today. And the life of a slave was no easy thing. Whacking away at crops with a machete, pulling carts that must have weighed one hundred men, basically any miscellaneous chore that could be done. Each and every day. Top that with sickening food, few drops of water, and an hour at most of rest. He never relaxed. It was something very alien to him. First time for everything, as they say. Marcos sat at the table in the galley of the ship, having been bandaged up by the captain. Another foreign thing to him was medical care. And it made him feel safe, or whatever was closest to the idea of safety. Marcos also would enjoy the food that was given to him in generous amounts. Finally, food that didn't make him regurgitate more than he took in. It was fresh and properly cooked, and delicious. He would have to thank the cook multiple times over, both for the food and for, to his learning, pulling him up. And, as the dinner was finished, he listened to Kai's story. He was familiar with Waterdeep, as he'd been a slave worker there for a year or so. He remembered it from the branding left on his back, at the center of his mass and to the right a bit.