"Like hell you can take them alone," Hiro hissed bordering on hysterics, "This place is [i]fucked[/i]." The volume was enough to earn the attention of a nearby orderly who looked over the three of them. Hiro straightened up and tried to look as nonchalant as possible. This guy just wasn't getting it. He couldn't just walk away now. It would look way too suspicious as would "gathering them around". He wasn't trying to get himself stronger sedatives or locked up in solitary either. "Hey. [i]Hey[/i]." He grabbed Mikael's arm and gave it a good hard shake to get his attention. He dropped down again and spoke as calmly as his current temper would allow. "If you can introduce yourself so damn fine, why don't you yourself to everybody instead of hanging around this chick? Hell, if you're such a socialite, why don't you just 'gather everyone around' your own damn self?" He was losing track of his volume again. He was loud enough that Mel surely would have heard him. "All's I'm saying is that you don't have to lie about your intentions, man, and [i]don't[/i] try and drag me down with you. You need some room? Just say so. Just don't say I didn't warn you. I'm nobody's accomplice." After living in a gang-infested neighborhood for so long, he learned how to keep himself safe and he tried to be careful about what friends he made. "And hey. [i]Hey[/i]." He grabbed Mikael's arm again, but gave him a hard squeeze. "Snitches get stitches. You got that, buddy?"