Citizens stopped in the street to see what was causing so much commotion. Serenity ignored them completely. The little girl and woman were the only things on her mind. She held out her hand, her eyes already glowing white, and a force field shielded the woman and girl from the tall man holding a gun. Gasps and shock came from the people watching as Serenity stepped beside the small girl. She could feel her precious and young life slipping away. But she was still alive, Serenity held her hands above the girl’s stomach, carefully. A white glow came off of her hands and surrounded the girl. It took all of Serenity’s energy to heal the girl completely. Sweat dripped down her face but she held on. Slowly the blood returned to the girl’s body and she began breathing steadily. Serenity smiled with relief. She looked up to see a huge crowd surrounding her. Her face burned with embarrassment as she stood up. She noticed a man had stepped forward. She rubbed her head “Umm.. “she muttered. She kept glancing at the people around her, still shocked at what just occurred.