Lucy caught the look of sympathy on Nicole’s face, and shook her head. She could see the thoughts in the other girls head as plainly as if they were written on her face. They were the same thoughts that scrolled through the minds of every other person she had ever known. Always sympathy and pity. They at once compared their life to whatever they knew about hers, and then looked at her with such pity. It made her sick to look at. “Wipe that look off you face,” she said, though her voice was kind. “I stopped feeling sorry for myself a long time ago. There’s no reason for you to feel sorry for me either. It’s just the hand I’ve been dealt, but trust me when I say I’m a very skilled player. I’ll make something of it, yet.” It was silent for a moment between them, and she used that time to take a sip of her shake. She set it down and traced the tattoos on her skin, a nervous habit she acquired some time ago. Her favorite was her newest one. It was on her forearm, and was of a tree with water color leaves. She’d always wanted a water color tattoo, and was so excited to finally get this one. She looked up at the almost inaudible rumbling. She gave a small smile. “Have you eaten today?” she asked. She looked at Nikki as the other girl counted her money. She reached for her own wallet and took it out. “Let me buy you a drink or something. It’s the least I can do. Pick whatever you want,” she said.