Runa watched the stars as the boat rocked gently. It was a nice and peaceful evening, but when Nolan called for dinner and her stomach growled the starry night could wait. She jumped down and headed to the galley with everyone else. Everyone who took their sweet time was urged on and hurried in. As normal, the food was amazing and she complimented him for it. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves as they told stories and the likes. The two new ones seemed to adjust more or less. She figured it wouldn't take too long to get acquainted. They were all pretty nice, just fairly ruthless in battle. It all got quiet and eyes went to Kai as he stood behind her. The captain looked up, raising her at to get a better view. "What is it?" And soon enough, Kai's story began. She got comfortable, leaning back in her chair as he began his story. She knew it meant something to him. And hearing his story reminded her of the story he told her before, when they first met. Being new to the pirate age, she hadn't heard of the known pirates or 'legendaries'. But she had heard of the dangers. When Kai had saved her from the tavern she had met him in, although she insisted she could take care of herself, he told her his story. Why not have a legendary pirate as a bodyguard? It got her crew jump started. When his story was finished, she too listened to the responses of the group. All of them seemed eager to help Kai, even the stow- new crew members. "If the captain permits, then I'm up to help too!" Ray added his own response before continuing to chow down. "Nolan. You're food. Is amazing." He spoke in between mouthfuls of food. Runali nodded in agreement before hooking her foot under the table and leaning backwards to look upside down at Kai, since he was sitting behind her. "Kai you're so harsh. I'm ashamed of that attitude of yours." Her arms crossed as she balanced on two legs of the chair. "Now what makes you think your own crew mates wouldn't help you retrieve something that's yours? Especially from the likes of a few pirates! Of course we'd help. Besides, what else are we going to do while we're in Waterdeep?" She sat up and looked at her crew. "Alright then, it's official! We're going to find that flag and stop whoever gets in our way." She raised her cup to toast on it. "We're going to Waterdeep and getting Kai's flag!" With that they, drank on it and the conversation ensued. "Hey Kai, any stories about your days as captain that you want to share? It's not everyday we hear from legendary pirates you know." She then looked around the room, unless someone else has a riveting dinner tale?" While everyone chattered, Runa crossed her arms and looked over at Danny and Marcos. "So, Marcos. There are two sleeping quarters down here. Since there are now. . . Seven of us on board, you can can figure out which you want to sleep in. I don't know how the guys split it up down there. Just ask. And Danny, since we finally have another female on board, I'm sure you'd rather not sleep in a room full of stinky guys. So you could set up a hammock or bed in the book room, or I could make room in my quarter's. I don't take up that much space anyway." She rubbed her arm, and remembered the symbol that was placed there. "You also must get your mark as a StarDusk pirate. Everyone has it." She showed her arm and pointed to the symbol. Then she motioned for everyone else to show their symbol as well. As plates were being emptied, they were stacked on the ends of the table. It was a lot more considering there were two more mouths to feed, so Runali decided to give a little help to Nolan. There was no reason he had to cook AND clean by himself. "And Marcos, since you feel so indebted to the crew, you can help Nolan with Dish duty tonight. . . I'd ask Luro or Ray to do it, but," She looked over, laughing gently to see them downing more than enough rum- one more than the other. "Don't worry, we all have to help out cleaning one way or the other. Last time, Ray was in charge of helping him clean." With that, Ray nodded and gave a salute. "A dirty job but I've done worse. Besides, if it's for our chef, I wouldn't mind it." He took to singing songs to keep the good mood going until everyone decided it was off to bed or just to leave the galley.