[b]"First day in this school, heh?"[/b] Kyle said to himself while observing the group he would be studying with. [b]"Ah bloody hell, this is so stressful...why I'm so nervous?"[/b] hands shaking, he put them into the pockets of his jeans. [b]"Maybe because you are thousands of miles away from your home and this is the first time you will live away from your home!?"[/b] he answered to his own question, [b]"Ahh, great now Im going insane too, yeah why not, let me talk with myself, because obviously I have two inner Kyles!"[/b] he looked outside the window at the schools campus which was so big that it literally looked like something like the Leicester Square in London. Not that it was the same looking but it had its main palace and gardens and little paths leading from one building to other. It really looked awesome and slowly Kyle started to calm down. His arms were not shaking any more, he was not thinking about anything, all he felt was the excitement of his decision to come here. The decision was pretty irrational and he didn't know what could be the outcome of it but so far it was good and he was satisfied. Beautiful weather, beautiful place and he got his request accepted to have his own single dorm room. Kyle didn't want a room-mate as that could ruin the whole experience with a wrong person living in the same room. [b]"What does the dorms look like?"[/b] he was wondering. He didn't get to see his dorm room yet as he flew in from UK this morning and enrolled just few minutes before the day started. [b]"Isoya Asuka International Academy - HERE I COME!"[/b] and his face changed in happiness as he smiled after saying those words inside his head.