Chloe snapped a few pictures of the facilities as the tour guide seemed to be introducing them to the school. It was not that she was intentionally ignoring him, but the fact that she was foreign, and this guy was speaking Japanese waaaaay too fast for her to keep up, made her a little less inclined to listen. Her main language was French. Her English was a little broken, and her Japannese was...passable and one of the deciding factors that got her into Isoya Academy was her fluency in sign language. That along with her good grades and knack for taking beautiful pictures that is. Though she didnt worry about language barriers too much. She was good ar expressing herself through image. No, not just her photos, but everything. What she worse, her expressions, posture, all of it. She was a photographer, student of course, but this made it wasy for Chloe to express herself in more ways than one. And she really did want to! For christ sakes she was the nicest girl in the world. Something the guide said registered in her mind and peeled her eyes from two blades of grass that were twisted together in a sort of heart shapped pattern. Something about requests. Immediately she wondered about her bunny, Rouge, and decided to ask a question. "Excusez-moi. J'ai une question à propos de ces demandes..." she paused when she realized she was talking in French. Pausing to think about her words, she asked in Japanese. "Excuse me, I have questions for requests. The bunny that tagged along. She will be.. my dorm right? Where to find...dorms?"