He just had to take off his lady black beret to readjust the strands of his tied-up to a bun, soft and lustrous obsidian air. Looks like he wasn't able to tie it up correctly today, and it was going to be annoying until he could get some space and re-tie it together in front of a mirror. The tour guide in front of him looked very lively and enthusiastic of the new students for... Class 2-B was it? His slender pale arms was held behind him as he stood in a curved arch. A fringe was running along his face as he looked around him with his sparkling onyx eyes. There were many cute guys and girls and the mix was nicely even. He wondered how many more there were. Who will be friends with him and what sort of interests they had! How exciting. A smile curled around Hikaru's lips, revealing a very sweet and feminine smile before turning around to the sound of cameras flickering everywhere around the hall. "Wonder what that was..." His voice soft. Alluring as a siren. "Excusez-moi. J'ai une question à propos de ces demandes..." The foreign language outpsoken by that girl over there took Hikaru by surprise, turning around and immediately spotting the photographer shouting something... Finally in Japanese. "Excuse me, I have questions for requests. The bunny that tagged along... She will be... My dorm right? Where to find... Dorms?" Hikaru quickly picked up that it wasn't of great dialect. Very messy, and rather impolite. Perhaps she was a foreigner? What language did she speak before? The question made him want to follow her. From a distance, and find out. ---------------------- "Ah! Young lady there! We'll get to the Dormitories super soon! It's not very far from here and in fact, we'll go and settle down there first!"