Hikaru tried his best to identify all of the surroundings around him. The school was... Prestigious. Outside of the hall's window you could see directly into the huge walkway-- trailed by the symmetrical fountain pond along the entrance... White, polished and distinct buildings around... This place looked expensive. He wondered how much did his family had to work for to get him in this school. Perhaps a lot, perhaps they just thought placing him in a school that looks good would make his family feel good. Either way... "Baa!" That sound?! Was that a... Hikaru turned around, and saw a student, sitting on top of a goat with a Kendo Bamboo Stick held on his shoulders seemingly talking to himself. Hikaru was surprised, and stood there confused. "What is going on?" He could only thought. Other students didn't seem to mind the out-of-the ordinary guy riding a goat. But it was best to not draw too much attention either... Back to glancing at that girl again.