Chloe smiled when she was pointed in the direction of the dorms. Then she heard someone else ask the same question amd said, "The dorms, this way." She didnt really wait for him or anyone else, not expecting anyone to bother following her. Camera in one hand and bag in the other, she set off towards that location. Though breaking away from the group might seem like a bad idea, its not like Chloe really understood much of what the man was saying. Hopefully the extra lessons she requested would eventually help her with her language skills. Right now Chloe kinda just wanted to explore on her own. She washappy her pet bunny Rouge was able to tag along, and hoped her roomate wouldn't mind it much. Since the group ahe was with would eventually end up at the classroom, she figured the time for introductions would come later. Skipping off in the direcion of the garden, Chloe pulled out her map of the school and easily pieced together the basic words and directions on it. Eventually she made it and came to the pond and small Gazebo. With a big grin she stretched her arms out and spun in a circle. "This place is amazing!" She yelled in French before laying down on a soft patch of grass. Chloe stared up at the sky, wondering if this school would end up being as amazing as she had dreamed.