While checking the school package he received when enrolled this morning he realizes that some people are leaving one after another. [b]"I guess tourists are leaving![/b] he smiles and continues to check out what is in the package while waiting for the class to start. [b]"Campus Map; List of my classes; Public transport info; different sport and art brochures; notepads; ID card; locker code and dorm room key."[/b] he said to himself by taking out the content of the package and naming it.[b]"Great! Shouldn't be too hard to get around the campus. Can't wait till the big break to get to my room!"[b] he says and looks outside the window again where the few students that left a second ago are doing something in the nearby grass in the park. [b]What are they doing?[/b] making a serious face [b]"Are they not gonna come to the lesson? Are they really about to skip the first lesson of the year?"[/b] Kyle said with his inside voice being confused and truth be told a little bit worried too.