Denmark straightened up as America spoke his greeting in the meeting room. She gathered her manners, and turned around to see him quite near to Iceland and herself. The USA. "Hej," she greeted him with a polite smile. "It is colder than usual in autumn, but then you shouldn't come back in the winter, no?" Small talk. She could usually make some. That was what happened when you were such an old country. "Hej," she replied to Russia. That cunning old bear, whose eyes you could never trust. And again, "Hej Germany." She greeted her fellow Germanic country more warmly than the others (apart from Iceland). He was the large country she felt closest to, although he had grown colder again over the past few years. She thought it was the conflict he was trying to prevent. If he said he was still going to stay neutral, then she could as well. Any decision he made usually influenced her. Finally, South Italy arrived. She didn't even greet anyone. Well, she did look rather cold - it was a very different environment here. It wasn't unusual for her to get huffy over small things. She turned toward Iceland, feeling her chest constrict at how he had moved away from her. It was silly, she knew, but it was like he was already disappointed in her. "Well, Portugal was definitely supposed to come. Oh, and I think Britain too." She glanced about at the faces and checked her watch. "it is supposed to start in four minutes - they have some time." That said, she took her Skyr, smiled at America once more, and headed down to her important place at the head of the table.