"Yeah, we'll lets get going." he already had his costume on, he had put it on on the way here. He ran towards the city, and saw the bank had a large hole in it, obviously caused by an explosion. He saw some villains surrounding some hero girl that he hadn't met yet. He heard she wasn't a Titan, so now he was even more confused. He ran over next to the girl, intent on stopping these villains. He was happy, he'd be able to test his powers. "So, these people are robbing the bank..." he said to the girl that was being surrounded by the villains. He closed his eyes and when they opened again, he had a small dark aura, and in a few seconds a large area surrounding them and the bank suddenly got a very much darker as he used one of his abilities. His eyes got a large amount of sanity drained from them when the darkness evoked him. His eyes grew wide and he began laughing insanely. "Now, how're we going to do this?" he said, slowly creeping towards the villains. "Are we going to [i]have fun?![/i]" (( the area basically turned from daytime to nighttime, until Sam decided otherwise ))