John Logans/Smith John had ignored Fauna's call for dinner. Well it was closer to forgetting. He honestly had intended to go eat. Or at least sit down. but he was sidetracked. John's room was painted a bright cyan color that kept the place bright. His bed rested in the middle and was surrounded by bookcases that were all filled with books, big and small. However, on the right wall, nearest the corner, there was a picture pinned to the wall. A picture of someone that John hated more than anything. Ashton. The boy who had gotten him into the Agency. The reason he lived his life as a killer. The picture was currently being impaled by throwing knives that John was using his powers to throw. Suddenly the alarm went off. The T.V. in John's room showed a girl standing up to a shit ton of villains. "Oh god," John said. He ran out of his room and met up with Amelia and the others who were waiting. "What's our mission exactly," He asked.