[b][u]The Coral Pearl[/b][/u] Luro began rambling on and Nolan couldn't help but chuckle. The man was a good comrade, though a tad silly and hard to understand at times. Everyone eventually began voicing their will to help Kai and Nolan smiled. "The Captain's right you know, I guess in a sense were kind of like a big, dysfunctional family." Nolan puffed out his chest and gave everyone a salute. Sure, Kai was intimidating and they'd only traveled together for three weeks or so, but they had his back and he had theirs. They were good people, "we don't really have anyone else but each other." The last part he had uttered with a hint of bashfulness. "So don't worry about your flag, we'll do our best." They finished up their meal and Ray complimented his cooking skills. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, there were a lot of supplies on board the slave ship." They continued to chatter the night away before it was time to clean up. The captain offered Danny a room but not before saying they were a bunch of stinky men. Nolan laughed at this before tapping Luro playfully on the shoulder. "I'll have you know, Luro's the only one who smells like rum though from time to time Ray does too." Nolan began pilling dishes one on top of the other then nodded when Marcos as asked to assist him. "The help is appreciated." The captain joked about Luro and Ray helping and Nolan shook his head with a chuckle. "We'll be more than fine on our own." He recalled the last time Luro helped. The man had broken more than a few plates and it was pretty silly. "Let 'em have their fun." Nolan turned back to Marcos with a kind smile, "kitchen is this way, you said your name was Marcos, right? It's a pleasure to have you and the new girl on board with us." He made his way into the kitchen setting the dishes by the sink. "I can wash them and you can help me dry them, how does that sound Marcos?" The cook held out a hand towel and waited for the other man to take it. "While I was the dishes, feel free to take a seat on one of those crates, we have apples in them." Nolan brightened up, "feel free to have a bite, Hara is known for there wonderful apples so I made sure to stock up on them." He wasn't the best brawler out there and he was clumsy with weapons, but when not in a fight Nolan could be pretty talkative and chipper. The man began washing dishes, swiftly, he had done so for years after all. "Now that you're with us, you won't have to worry about the slavers." His voice softened. Whatever it was Marcos had been through, it sounded unbearable and he wanted to help make his fellow crew mate feel at home. "You're with us now and we watch each others backs." He passed the man a wet plate too dry. "The captain and everyone up there," he chuckled, "they can be rowdy bunch from time to time, but they're good people."