[b]Departure[/b] --- The matters of leaving the campus up until hostile endeavors were a plethora of hazy conversations between Olivia and her friends. This volume of attention from them was alien to Olivia, as she had been the one gracing them with her undying affection and care over the years. Surely, Olivia was accustomed to being the center of attention at the academy, in numerous different situations, but never in the same fashion when it came to her childhood friends—Olivia had always basked and rejoiced in the delightful reality of not having to care for her appearance or actions, all that much, when associating with them. “Hey Olive,” Jyn said. “Or I might as well say, Captain Olivia Celestine.” [indent][i](…no, please don’t say that…)[/i][/indent]“How’s being captain by the way?” Jyn inquired. “I’ve been the Captain for less than an hour, sweetie… I have no idea,” Olivia replied. “I might help you with stuffs if you needed,” Jyn continued. [indent][i](…us… all of us, Jyn…not just me…)[/i][/indent]“That’s comforting.” “You know, resting for a while is a great idea. I must admit, it’s a little tiring to just walk up all the way through to our destination. I can’t believe the academy made us do this without occupying some of their vehicles.” “I have a difficult time believing it myself,” Olivia replied. “And here I thought we were ‘elites’. Glorious indeed,” Jyn sighed and rolled her eyes sideways. “But I guess this might just prove that we’re a much stronger team than everybody else. Right?” [indent][i](…I don’t know…I hope so…)[/i][/indent]“You’ve got that right, sweet cheeks.” “By the way, we should try and annoy Freddy. Who knows, it might be fun while we take a stop,” Jyn whispered. Olivia uttered a slight, almost inaudible chuckle. “I think he’s had enough for one day, so let’s cut him some slack,” Olivia smirked. [b]Battle[/b] --- Whatever happened during these times of great duress, Olivia had to stake focused and set aside her personal thoughts and feelings. It was an alien practice to her, even though she had simulated and attempted it before. Olivia had to force herself to set aside any inconsistencies with her command until after the confrontation, as it was no use to voice her concerns about it now. Orders were orders for a reason and meant to be followed, even by her. Olivia dashed off to the left flank of what appeared to be the enemy formation, if ever there was one. She could hint Remi’s presence in the corner of her eyes behind her being, which strengthened her resolve and courage. In an instantaneously fluid motion, without disrupting her speed, Olivia sheathed her gunblade and subsequently cartwheeled across the moist grass, focusing her sight on a bantam rock and grabbing it as her hand graced its frame. Olivia then took advantage of her forward momentum to chuck the stone at one of the assailants (Alpha), which appeared to be conspiring with two additional creatures, (Beta and Delta). The tiny pack made no effort to hesitate their provoking adversaries, and thus broke away from the main horde to attack Olivia and Remi on the left flank. As Olivia gathered momentum to propel herself off the ground towards the enemy, she vanished in a bright flash of lightning that emitted an instantaneous, banging sound. In what seemed the very same moment in time and space, she reappeared before the creature she had provoked (Alpha) and unleashed the momentum she had mounted to strike with her gunblade, in a crossing motion extending between her right shoulder and her left hip. The Raptor’s sprint came to a sudden halt, as it lost its balance and crumbled across the ground. The two other attackers (Beta and Delta) did not register what had happened and were continuing their charge towards Remi. In agony, the Alpha Raptor retaliated and lashed out at Olivia with its grotesque tail. Blinded by the flashing light of Olivia’s lightning spirit, the creature missed its attack against her. However, the foul odor of the Raptor was surely beyond horrid and detestable.