-When Kim’s Family or Whatever Visited and Shit- Freddy hung away from Kim’s family for the most part. He liked them, they were nice people, but he honestly had trouble socializing with anyone other than his friend group. He knew that if he did more than thank one of his grandmas for the food, and make plans not to eat it, he would yell at them for some stupid freaking reason. He did indulge in watching Olivia play with the adorable daughter Sam, however. That baby was a freaking demon though. Freddy got bored of watching Olivia play with something far more evil than anything else they’d ever face, and eventually found himself more or less staring at Puck. Freddy’s forehead was knit in a concerned frown as his eyes flowed over the troublesome man. Freddy had always been more or less at odds with Puck. Freddy had been targeted by many pranks by him over the years, and Freddy wasn’t known for his calm and composed reactions to things. Freddy couldn’t remember a single day in which he hadn’t yelled at Puck at least once. And, beyond the pranks, and Puck had genuinely hurt Freddy rather badly before. Not physically, but emotionally. He still remembered grasping flowers in his hand, having spent the night searching for Thael, and coming up short. Then, finding him with Puck the following morning, seeing them all...all...cuddly and just knowing what had happened. He remembered just running away before they could see him. See him on the verge of tears. He had grown apart from Thael a bit since then, on purpose. However, he couldn’t get enough distance to forget his own personal feelings, and, beyond that, Thael was the person he mostly went to for advice on how to help others out. It was one of the things that had attracted Freddy to him in the first place. No matter what, Thael invariably cared. He even managed to see through Puck’s issues and find something beautiful there. Freddy had been mad at Puck at first, but soon that anger cooled, and he figured he could at least be happy that two people he loved had found love. Now if only it hadn’t been with each other. And, despite that, Freddy remembered that Puck was one of the people he mostly had to look out for. His problems were a lot like Remi’s, except more...active. Remi would plan a thousand ways to kill a man. The trouble with Puck was, he might actually do it. Yet, despite that, Puck was, in Freddy’s mind, a good man. He acknowledged his issues, even if he didn’t do nearly as much as he should to fix them. He could love, laugh and feel like anyone else, and Freddy wanted him to be happy. Hell, really, Puck was already decently happy with his life as far as Freddy knew. Freddy just hated that that happiness was with Thael. -Just Two Dudes In A Tree With Their Morning Wood- Freddy groaned loudly. “Okay, cool, bullshit orders. Fucking classy, Olivia,” he complained as he began stepping toward a tall tree. As an after thought, he paused. After Kim made his offer to Olivia, Freddy sighed. “Fuck that noise, Kim. She’s just being a fucking bum. Come on, climb this tree with me. We can talk and bond as men or some bullshit like that. Make friendship bracelets out of flowers like a couple gay little hippies.” Kim frowned, but didn’t protest as Freddy grabbed him and more or less dragged him to the tree. It took a little doing, with Kim’s heavy armor and whatnot, but eventually, between Kim’s and Freddy’s efforts, he managed to get onto a sturdy branch. Once he was on that branch, Freddy climbed onto another, less sturdy branch. “Okay, so, Kim, let’s talk-” With a loud crack, the branch shifted. Freddy let out a flurry of cursewords at the speed of light as the wooden surface betrayed him and disconnected from the main tree. He flopped backwards, and landed harshly on his face. His body collapsed, and he laid like that for a few moments, unmoving, face connected to the dirt. He then lifted his face from the ground, his usual pouty expression on full display, dirt and grass on his cheeks. “...I fucking hate nature.” Freddy then scrambled back up the tree. He got to Kim’s branch, and then frowned. He seemed to hesitate a moment, then just grunted and, with an utterance of “fuck it”, flopped into Kim’s lap. “Hope this doesn’t make you uncomfortable,” Freddy said as he more or less draped himself onto Kim, “If it does, fucking deal with it. You’re shockingly comfortable despite all the armor and I need to talk to you.” Kim shook his head and made no attempt to move Freddy. A silent okay sign. Alright. So, I guess, hey, hi, how’s it going, Kim? Everything’s going good up there? You’ve been taking your meds and seeing your therapist?” "Yes. Mom." Freddy immediately snapped back at him, "This isn't a fucking joke, okay man!" He then paused, breathed deeply, and spoke. At first he was calm, but then his voice quickly started displaying his anger again. “… I get enough bullshit from the others, please tell me you’re not getting lazy about taking care of yourself! I swear by all that is holy, unholy and everything in between that if you aren’t taking care of yourself I will uproot this tree and use it to REALLY fucking bond you with nature!” Kim smirked, before speaking in a tone far more sultry than anything Freddy was used to from the man, "Kinky." Freddy blinked, "…What?" Kim blinked as well, "Huh…? What?" "Holy hyperchrist Kim, you aren’t taking your meds aren’t you?" Kim frowned, "Yes… I… have been." "I call bullshit." "I have… They just… don’t work some times… The meds." Freddy paused. “What?” Kim hesitated, then spoke, "I take them… but I can still see ‘him’… He won’t go away…" Kim seemed to be staring at nothing for a moment. Freddy had a feeling that he wasn't alone with Kim, at least in Kim's mind. Freddy knew a bit about hallucinations. When he was especially manic or depressed, or when his mind was more or less falling apart at the seams, he'd experienced minor hallucinations, momentary sounds and images. He couldn't imagine it was too fun to deal with that sort of stuff so often. Freddy frowned, eyebrows knit in concern, before he let out a dramatic sigh. “I’m...sorry. Shit man, I shouldn’t yell at you. You have enough on your mind, you don’t need me being the giant dicknarbler I am and spewing vocal shit from my throat at you.” Kim attempts a reassuring smile, but fails miserably as usual, looking for all intents and purposes like he wanted to rip off Freddy's head and drink the blood. "Worrywart…" "Hell fucking yeah I'm a worry wart. You're my friend. Fucking forgive me if I occasionally show concern!" Freddy snapped at him, then sighed. “Look, it's just..you've...been through a lot. I mean, for one…look, we...we really never talked about...about fucking Nancy, have we?” Freddy could feel Kim go stiff underneath him, and not in a sexy way. Freddy couldn’t see Kim’s face, laying on him as he was, but he couldn’t imagine that it had to be very cheerful right now. “Sorry, I...I fucking know I’m being tactless right now. Look, it’s just...fuck, how do I say this? Sorry, sorry, you know me. I’m always shoving my foot through my own ass out my throat and into my mouth, and trust me when I say it tastes like shit. It’s just…” He sighed, “Kim, I...we all remember losing Sam. The one that I’m five thousand percent sure you named your daughter after. Look...back then, I...I wasn’t so close to anyone. You remember. I was just that fucking angry asshole with the scars that made a few people cry by yelling at them too much. The one that was always shrieking to get his way and generally being terrible. So when Sam died, I...I felt alone. I felt like I had nothing left in the world and I made a mistake. A mistake that left just one more scar and that didn’t fix anything.” Freddy sighed, “Just...promise me you won’t do anything stupid, okay? If you’re hurting inside, talk to me. You’re my friend, my good friend. It’s my fucking job to be there for you, and nothing, I swear fucking nothing, is going to stop me from doing my god damned job.” Kim was quiet for a moment. When Freddy looked at Kim, he was pinching the bridge of his nose. Kim said in a voice so quiet that Freddy barely heard it, "What… what kind of…mistake…?" Freddy went silent. “A fucking bad one. Promise me.” Kim hesitated before answering Kim nodded slightly, and spoke, "… I promise." Freddy nodded, seemingly calm all of a sudden. “...You know I wasn’t fucking lying when I said you were comfortable. I could seriously fucking nap right now. How in the name of shrieking Satan is all your armor comfortable?” “I don’t know.” Freddy chuckled, a soft smile on his face. In contrast to his usual prickliness, Freddy looked practically approachable at the moment, "Of fucking course you freaking don’t. Come on. Let’s-" Suddenly, Kim moved with an intensity and speed uncharacteristic of him. He scooped Freddy up in his arms bridal style, ignoring the smaller man's protests. "What the shrieking FUCK are you doing Kim god dammit you can't just grab me and drag me arou-" Freddy began, before Kim swiftly began leaping down the tree. Freddy then changed from protesting the situation to grasping onto Kim for dear life, arms wrapped around the man's neck and face buried in the armor of his chest. "Zzzzgizzldifuginshtomygodkimwathnnnghizzzchchch," Freddy muttered under his breath during their descent. Kim seemed to have a very intent look on his face. He barely glanced at Freddy, but he did say one thing before running off toward Olivia. It just so happened that what he said sent a chill through Freddy's entire body. "Xenomorphs." Freddy blinked. "FUCKING WHAT!?!?!?!?!?" -The God Damn First Encounter- Freddy blinked. "HOLY SWEET SHIT ON A SANDWICH MADE OF RAZORBLADES AND WHITE BREAD, AARON, IF THOSE FUCKING VAGINA FACES DON'T KILL YOU I SWEAR BY ALL THAT IS HOLY, UNHOLY AND SPIRITUAL THAT I WILL!" Freddy moved as he shrieked, running toward the raptors while pulling his hammer from its harness on his back. He threw it up into the sky, then leaped after it. He met it in mid air, grabbing it and swinging it downward. He released it, letting it fly toward raptor gamma. "PLUG YOUR EARS RETARD!" Freddy yelled, before unleashing a deafening roar from the sky. The massive noise caused the raptors that he hit to shudder, from pain and irritation more than any actual damage. They sure as hell were going to go after Freddy now after that display, he'd intentionally gone as flashy as possible. The physical force of his deafening roar gave Freddy another second of air time, before he fell. His hammer was too far away to use immediately, so Freddy got ready with his fists. His tonfa would only really be useful against human threats, so he didn't bother drawing it yet. "COME ON YOU GIANT WALKING URINALS! YOU HURT ANYONE HERE AND I SWEAR THAT EVEN THE MIGHTIEST OF GODS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE YOU FROM MY UNBRIDLED INFINITE RAGE!" (TL;DR, Freddy damages one heavily and attempts to draw aggro on a lot. I can't imagine his deafening roar would stagger much, while the tossed hammer probably would be a decent blow. Deafening roar I imagine as being, like, 2 stagger points at best against these guys, unless they have really strong senses of hearing.)