Sorry it took so long to edit ^^' --- Name: Eden Jael Age (vampire): 99 Age of appearance (Human look): 24 Slaves (edit this after you talk to other members): [url=]Pierre Mandane[/url] and [url=]Avien Preston[/url] Personality: Eden can often be described as cold, uncaring, harsh...all of which would be true. She hates alot of things, likes few things, and often points out one's flaws. She is a strict master but treats her slaves well so long as they are obediant. A woman of few words who only speaks when barking out orders or complaining...she has no interest in getting anyone to like her. Getting close to her is...unlikely. Beneath the bitter and mean facade she holds in public, there is a part of her deep down that is caring and almost... motherly. Should you ever get a chance to see this side of her, consider yourself lucky. It means she does not want you dead. [u]Abilities/Powers:[/u] [b]Aura Perception:[/b] An aura is the spiritual energy field that people and objects give off. Usually, auras convey the feelings or emotions someone gives off in a range of colors. Someone with aura perception can see these colors in someone’s aura. [b]Psychokinesis:[/b] The ability to mentally move objects. [b]Body Enhancement:[/b] Such as increased strength and speed. Sences are heightened, etc. [u]Weaknesses:[/u] [b]Sunlight:[/b] After the first hundred years she will become resistant. [b]Illness:[/b] She can contract certain diseases and is not resistant to poison. She will, however, recover quickly. After a hundred years, she will be resistant. [b]Sleep:[/b] She has to, else she becomes weak. After 100 years she wont need to. [b]Silver:[/b] Her skin is sensitive to it. Since she's young, even just touching it will burn her severly. Wounds could be fatal. They are excrutiatingly painful and take longer to heal than other wounds. It the metal is legt inside too long, the area around it will burn and take a long time to heal. [b]Death:[/b] There are obvious ways to kill vampires. Piercing her heart will do nothing, it will heal unless done with silver. She bleeds but her heart does not beat, as her body is filled with human blood. Behead her and she will die. At death, she would need to be burned or else another vampire can find her and 'put her back together.' Background: To be revealed in story: Since she tells little about herself to anyone, most of her past is shrouded in mystery. A few things here and there about her days as a human have been spread around like pieces to a puzzle no one can figure out. Eden wants to keep it that way. Her time as a vampire is much the same, though since being turned, Eden has had a tough time getting used to vampiric customs and rules. Perhaps fewer pieces to this puzzle are known. Though in time perhaps more will be revealed about the mysterious blonde woman. Appearance: [img][/img] other: She has a pet cat named Hryiedmar. Nicknamed Ryder. [img][/img]