[center][b]Name:[/b] Momo [b]Age (vampire):[/b] 84 [b]Age of appearance (Human look):[/b] 22 [b]Slaves:[/b] Interested in Airi [b]Personality:[/b] Not so much as mean, but she tends to be very strict and hates when people don't listen to her. Psychotic in many way, mostly in her experimenting and the way she talks about death. She loves the idea of pushing a human as far as they can go without dying. she can be very kind to her humans and treats them very much how they deserve to be. Her dungeon has beds for the humans but if they misbehave, they get their privileges taken away. [b]Powers/skills:[/b] [b]--[/b]Hypnosis: Momo can pull any human under her spell. It's stronger when used in the art of physical contact like kissing or erotic touching but can work on the weakest of humans just by speaking into their mind or grabbing eye contact. She is very sexy, so it is easy for her to captivate males into her reign, to want to work for her. [b]--[/b]Slight Telekinesis: She can move some objects with her mind and pin people to walls and objects during full moons. She is at her strongest in this power when the full moon is up. [b]--[/b]I plan to add more as I go, I usually do. Weakness: [b]--[/b]Silver: If puncture by silver, it's like poison to her and can kill her if she does not get the antidote in time. It kills in 4 hours time and sometimes the antidote doesn't work. When within a few feet of it, the smell gives her a headache. [b]--[/b]Sunlight: She can travel in the daytime, but it makes her sick after a few hours and she burns very easy. When her skin burns, it sends a toxic smell that can make herself very sick. [b]Background:[/b] She was born a vampire, her mother was a vampire but her father was a human. She had a 50 percent chance of being human and that is why she can go out into the sun, unlike most vampires. She lived a fairly normal vampiric life, and didn't have much problem. Her Mother owned slaves and her father died in the mother captivity when he was 67. Most times, it was normal for vampires to have children with humans and drink from them if they were human but this time was different, Momo was a vampire, and a smart one at that. She wasn't always mean, but she didn't like when humans talked back to her and love to experiment on them. She is somewhat of a medic, using the human slaves that her mother used to own (And is now hers) as her lab rats. She injects them with many different things, trying to get the best taste of human blood in the world. Her mother died when she was 53, she was exposed to the sun for too long when their old house caught on fire. She wasn't worried about the slaves, since if they died, they died but this was a problem, it was day time. Her mother burned up immediately when she got outside but Momo did not. That is when she figured out she could go into light without a problem, till she got burned. She currently lives alone with her few slaves, a few who had survived the fire and a few new ones. [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x218/mmidnightkitty/989772-bigthumbnail.jpg[/IMG] [b]other:[/b] [/center] Work in progress. Just wanted to get up the basics.