"Britain," the country announced, following in Portugal's stride. A long, cane, black in color, was held at her side as she glanced about the room, her eyes observing those gathered with traces of contempt and, possibly, disgust. "Is here. No need to wait on my behalf." She looked down at her wrist, inspecting the time briefly before walking deeper into the room. "Is this all of us?" She asked, looking around at the others yet again, this time her gaze lingering on a select few. America, Russia, Germany. She was expecting some more nations like China or Japan. Well, she couldn't argue. It was her duty to be here and if they weren't here, she wasn't surprised. A lot of nations skipped these meetings. But she could complain about it loudly. She took a seat near the end of the table, one rather close to Iceland. The island nation didn't hide his shock at her choice and quickly moved his seat away from her as she set her cane down, crossed her legs and looked about. Iceland didn't enjoy England's company too much and they shared a rather irritating past. If there was anything England thought of him moving away, she didn't show it and instead gestured to the table. "Let us all sit. We should start discussing now before we all grow tired of staring at one another and grow uncivilized."