Jack smiled as Drake came back stage. Turning he offered a fist. "Drake man the gig was awesome. I know we all did well but you are the one who has really got this place ging getting it all set up and such. You should be proud man. Although I am not sure about this. Boss wants a chat." Turning back to the manager he slid his hand down the back of the bimbo's mini skirt whilst he listened. She didn't seem to care much. "Boys the gig was a sell out. A full house and all of the T-Shirts sold. However that is not the best news. There was a scout at the bar. Probably couldn't have seen him the guy is like a midget. He liked what he heard and approached me during the gig. He wants to bring you boys to his studio to show his producers. Lads you may have just hit the big time." The grin in the managers face was as wide as the mans belly however it was a grin Jack shared. "What label boss?" The manager's smile lowered a bit. "Well it's not a HUGE label. Y'know." There was an uncomfortable silence. "You gunna tell us boss?"