Ray just stood there in silence, as he closed his eyes, he could sense something happening. Perhaps it was the boy who just glanced at him, wich just confirmed Ray's suspicion about the others. They all had powers, wich meant that they were gathered here by a reason. Ray opened his eyes and glanced around, some were afraid to talk to another, and some were just observing. And yet Ray coudn't get his eyes of the guy who glanced at him. Somehow he felt familiar to him, some how he felt like they had a conection... Ray sat down and placed his legs across one another, as he then placed his hands together, closed his eyes and started to pray. He knew this place would become hard for him, and yet he didn't care, he just cared for his god to keep his eyes on Ray and keep watch over him, he wanted to stay on his path that he walked and never ever wanted to change towards a different one. As Ray opened up his eyes, they shined a crimson red light, it was a weak light and yet it would be seeable by those who would look at him. He didn't truelly care about his eyes shining, for he saw it as a gift from his god, he saw it as a sign that his god heard him and that he would do as Ray asked. A crimson red light also shined trough his clothes, as a few runes were lighting up, they were runes that carved themselfs inside his body once he gained his powers, the others runes were carved in his body for each life he took, for each soul he claimed as his own. Just five runes were shining this crimson red light, as they dimmed, Ray also gained back his own eyesight. For once his eyes shined, he always lost his eyesight for a couple of minutes, as he blinked with his eyes, he stood up again, his hair wavering with the wind, his earring almost looking like it danced with the wind and his eyes... Emotionless, for emotion was nothing in Ray's life, he gave it up when he started his first lesson. As he glanced trough the group, he just started to observe them again, looking at them and trying to remember most of their names.