America simply smiled at Denmark’s words. She was used to the cold, while he was not. He wished that he was accustomed to all types of weather, but he much rather have the mild temperatures of early summer. He would immediately complain if it was too hot or too cold. Then, two other nations arrived—Portugal and Britain. The American was relieved to see that she was here; that way, if something went wrong, she would be on his side. They never labeled each other as enemies anymore. Of course, they were simply rivals that needed a good cooling off after they had an argument or competition. Denmark started the meeting, and she began to speak first. The brunette was rather straightforward, jumping to the topic of aggression between nations. America watched her as she finished her brisk speech and got up immediately afterwards. [b]”My economy has been the way it has been for the past few years. Sometimes we are doing better, and other times we are doing worse.”[/b] America tried not to speak in a hostile manner, but he wanted to get his point across. [b]”What Denmark’s saying is true. Nations are being too hostile and aggressive with each other. The last thing we need is another war.”[/b] [b]”But, I have to say that if the aggression of the nations escalates to a whole new level, that the United States of America will retaliate if any attack is launched against it.”[/b] America let his words hover in the air for a few moments before speaking again. [b]”That’s all I have to say.”[/b] and with that, the young man sat down. [i]It had to be said.[/i] he thought. [i]There’s no way that I’m gonna roll over and show my belly to the world. If it’s war they want, they’ll get war.[/i] --- Germany found himself comforted by Denmark’s friendly greeting. Last time he checked, they were good friends and had no reason to point guns or knives at each other. Even if their history was a bit… dark. Even thinking about World War II made him shudder—all of the things he did during that time couldn’t be forgotten. But he hoped to God that he could be forgiven. Though… it sure didn’t seem that way. There were some countries who would do anything to get back at him. Denmark started the meeting herself, speaking about her strong economy and the countries’ aggression towards each other. Even though she spoke for a short time, one could tell what they were going to be talking about in today’s meeting. The Germanic nation began to grow worried—they had been talking about this for a while, going in circles again and again, and yet, they got nowhere. The countries showed more and more anger and hate toward one another every time they showed up for a meeting. Then, it was America’s turn. The younger nation announced that his economy was, as always, inconsistent. Even then, the American seemed weaker than usual—he looked thinner, and his sunny personality didn’t seem to show. Then he went on to say that America would defend itself if it was attacked, making Germany frown rather deeply. [i]Typical.[/i] he sighed, running his hand through his hair as America sat down. [i]I knew that America would say something like that. He isn’t one to back down so easily.[/i] [b]”Germany has been well.”[/b] the blond said as he got up from his seat. [b]”Our economy is bustling and our people are healthy.”[/b] He crossed his arms, the frown on his face deepening even more. His brows knitted together and he glanced over everyone at the table. [b]”What are we? Little children screaming over knocked over blocks? Are we seriously going to go at each other again, so soon after what happened to those poor countries in the Middle East?”[/b] he barked. [b]”Do we even have a reason to start a war other than for our own pleasure? Can someone please tell me who was invaded or mistreated?”[/b] --- The auburn haired Italian lady, however, decided to stay quiet. Tension was already crackling in the air and she had no intention in getting involved in any war. South Italy couldn’t even get in one if she tried. She was, to put it simply, only one half of an entire nation. Her little brother wasn’t even here and she wasn’t going to drag him into an unwanted battle. Not to mention that she really didn’t know how to fire a gun. Her brother probably did though… she focused on tending wounds and such. Oh, she did know how to spar with a sword! But this was 2045. No one fought with a sword anymore. South sighed, resting her head on the wooden table in front of her and beginning to close her eyes. Maybe she should just nap. That way, if this meeting was really going to be the start of World War III, she could say that she took no sides due to the fact that she was sleeping. But… that could go wrong as well. She could make an enemy without even realizing it! Now that terrified her enough to keep her awake. [b]”Now, now,”[/b] South Italy opened her eyes to see Russia stand up, even when that German bastard was already on his feet. [b]”You say there’s no reason to start wars. But do you remember what happened to the Middle East? Now, whose fault is that? It certainly isn’t mine. Thankfully, the one responsible for the destruction of those poor countries is sitting in this very room.”[/b] And with that, Russia’s vibrant green gaze fell on someone who sat not too far away from him. South turned her eyes to see who was the poor soul he was looking at. It was America, who looked flabbergasted. [b]”Me?”[/b] the American barked, leaping to his feet. [b]”What the hell are you talking about? It wasn’t just my fault!”[/b] Germany leapt from his seat as well, slamming his hands on the table. [b]”Both of you, shut up!”[/b] he snarled. [b]”Can’t you listen to what Denmark and Portugal were saying?! We can’t afford another war!”[/b]