Denmark listened to country after country speak. They were doing alright, acknowledging the hostility. Until the accusations began. Oh, dear. She watched Russia and America with sharp blue eyes, her body tensed in case a fight really did break out. But Germany was already on his feet, his sharp words making her jump. Heart fluttering in her chest, she had to breathe in deeply before rising. "The Middle East happened, and it is over. There is no need to start battle because of a war that did not even touch your land." She blinked, tilting her head slightly. "It is a weak excuse for battle. Blaming one country for one war resulted in another just last century. Is history now doomed to repeat itself?" She winced inwardly, making a note to apologise to Germany later. He didn't like to be reminded, of that time, but this was necessary. ((OTL I'm tired byee))