Oh gods, they were yelling again. It had barely even been five minutes this time! Iceland hunched over slightly, trying not to draw attention to himself as the big nations of the world began to point fingers at one another over the Middle East. Why did this keep happening? Did everyone really hate one another so much that they had to go at each other's throat every time they saw one another. They were all allies here, weren't they? He anxiously looked around before silently chewing on his Skyr. He really, really wished they wouldn't behave like this. He was too frightened to speak or get involved. After all, he didn't want to get himself into a war with any of them. Simple words and announcements quickly escalated to full-out yelling and banging. England breathed in through her nose in short, shallow breaths as several nations rose to their feet. This was why the world couldn't have nice things. Not soon after Germany's hands smacked the table and he finished barking out whatever attempt he was making to pacify everyone, England finally decided to join the fray. "Look at yourselves," she declared, not rising to her feet like the rest of them but instead crossed one leg over another so she was more comfortably sitting. She would not stoop to their level of idiocy. But she wasn't able to just let the situation rest, either. Someone had to address how foolish they were being about this. If they didn't, they'd just keep at it. "It's simple; get over it. Wars happen, countries rise and fall. The Middle East just happened to be our next Rome. But if you continue to behave like toddlers and whine about it, I'll treat you like toddlers." She looked around, her eyes settling on her former colonies. "That means you, America," She added as her lips fell into a frown. "Just sit down and shut up and let the rest of us finish talking about our economies."