"Yeah telling us would be nice. I'd like to have our first label bring us to a studio not somebodies bloody basement." Drake said laughing before he lit a smoke. He was happy though label notice was notice. You know if I end up in anything that doesn't at least have hard wood floors and a sound booth I'm going to be pissed. If it's anything less we might as well just make another record at my shop." he joked. Drake never really did trust bad new so he at least tried to make it funny so if it was bad it wouldn't be the biggest let down of this planet. Just a small hole at the most. You know the hole that your not sure which is more disappointing about it the fact that the hole is small or that someone bothered to even make a hole in the first place. Either way this meeting had to end soon. he had to tear down the stage and see if that girl from earlier was still there.